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The Danger of Forcing Forgiveness
We must be wary of wrongly using the biblical command in order to silence victims of abuse.
요셉처럼 우리의 희망은 뼈 한 상자보다 더 큽니다
우리의 삶보다 더 오래 지속되는 왕국을 상상해야 합니다.
Like Joseph, Our Hope Is Greater Than a Box of Bones
We must envision a kingdom that outlasts us.
Cuando aún éramos criminales, Cristo murió por nosotros
El pecado y el crimen no son diferentes a los ojos de Dios. ¿Por qué perdonamos uno y el otro no?
While We Were Still Criminals, Christ Died for Us
Sin and crime are no different in God’s eyes—so why do we forgive one and not the other?
A prática do Advento em tempos de turbulência
Enquanto nossa nação lida com divisão e desconfiança, como podemos abordar este tempo litúrgico?
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 27|50min
Tim Keller Says Forgiveness Is Key to Christian Witness
How to let go of resentment without sacrificing justice.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 26|35min
Your Questions on Voting, Christian Nationalism, and Suicide
New producer Ashley Hales and Russell discuss pressing topics.
Herschel Walker and the Platform of Cheap Grace
Christians believe in mercy amidst moral failing. But how then should we vote?
Is Student Loan Forgiveness Biblical?
Christians are divided over whether Biden’s promise to cancel student debt is ethical and just from a scriptural standpoint.
Vamos falar sobre raça como filhos de Deus, e não como construtores de Babel
Em Cristo, podemos lidar até mesmo com as conversas mais difíceis sem desrespeitar o outro.
Let’s Talk About Race like Believers, Not Babel-ers
In Christ, we can handle even the toughest conversations without speaking past one another.
부활절은 어떤 변화를 가져올까요?
부활이 삶과 죽음에 미치는 영향
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 15|56min
Listener Questions on Marriage, Politics, Banned Books, and More
Thoughts on everything from censorship to sexual intimacy.
Jesus Is Risen! Now What?
We’re quick to affirm the Resurrection, but we often miss its full meaning.
Líder evangélico ruso pide perdón a los cristianos ucranianos
Una declaración cuidadosamente redactada expresa solidaridad con los hermanos creyentes, así como «arrepentimiento y amargura» por la «invasión militar» rusa.
命辭遣意:我們和烏克蘭的兄弟姐妹站在一起,我們對俄羅斯的 “軍事入侵 ”深感 “憤懣遺憾”。
命辞遣意:我们和乌克兰的兄弟姐妹站在一起,我们对俄罗斯的 “军事入侵 ”深感 “愤懑遗憾”。

Top Story April 28, 2024

What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
The rage of the mob is a poor substitute for real community.

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