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Globalism: John Paul II
In issuing more significant encyclicals and visiting more nations than any other pope, he's shown that Christianity remains a world force.
Roman Catholic Reform: John XXIII
Elected to be a caretaker pope, he decided instead to revolutionize Catholicism.
Reformation Amillennialism: Salvation Now, Salvation Forever
Luther and Calvin challenged the Catholic church on many key teachings—but not on the doctrine of last things.
Imperious Mistress?
An Orthodox archbishop on the Catholic pope.
Pope Reaffirms Ban on Women Priests
How Could Christians Do This?
Why followers of the Prince of Peace waged war.
The Crusades: A Gallery of Martial Monks & Holy Kings
The great preachers, planners, and fighters of the Holy Land crusades.
The Muslim Defense
Christians thought they had liberated Jerusalem from infidels. But what did Muslims think?
The Unrefined Reformer
Luther's Will and Testaments
He bequeathed statements of belief that guide millions of Christians today.
Luther's Living Legacy
What has Luther left to us, 500 years later?
The Decisive Documents of 1520
After Luther published these three works, there was no turning back.
Martin Luther's Early Years: A Gallery of Friends and Enemies
Luther made plenty of both
Catherine of Siena
She lived only 33 years, but her vibrant faith and writings were so influential she has been declared a Doctor of the Church.
1378 The Great Papal Schism
When two popes, and later three popes, vied for supremacy, the medieval church entered a dramatic, forty-year crisis of authority.

Top Story May 2, 2024

Finding a (Real) Christian College
Finding a (Real) Christian College
A professor explains why examining a school’s doctrinal statement isn’t enough.

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