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5 Ways Nonbelievers Are Drawn to God Without Knowing It
How the Bible’s doctrine of humanity gives us hope for reaching even the hardest of hearts.
En realidad, Dios está haciendo algo antiguo
En la era de la autenticidad, no necesitamos nuevas palabras de parte de Dios; más bien, necesitamos repetir lo que Él ya ha dicho.
Actually, God Is Doing an Old Thing
In an age of authenticity, we don’t need new words from God so much as we need to repeat what he’s already said.
¿Publicar sin cesar? Cómo las redes sociales han modificado nuestras vidas de oración
Interceder por Instagram puede parecer un fenómeno exclusivo del siglo XXI, pero los cristianos del primer siglo ya oraban a distancia.
Post Without Ceasing? How Social Media Reshapes Our Prayer Lives
Interceding on Instagram may seem like a uniquely 21st-century phenomenon, but Christians in the first century were already praying at a distance.
Quick To ListenEpisode 276|1 hr 4min
Paul’s Advice on Letting Conscience Be Your Guide on Vaccines and Masks
Should Christians trust their personal convictions?
Quick To ListenEpisode 275|1 hr 2min
Before Simone Biles Becomes Christians’ Next Sports Metaphor
Does our discussion of the gymnast’s mental struggles convey a biblical sense of mind and body?
Remembering Richard N. Longenecker, Scholar Who Rethought Judaism and the Apostle Paul
He never forgot that when he was studying the New Testament, he was studying Holy Scripture.
Cuidado pastoral para las cañas quebradas y las mechas que apenas arden
Pablo nos enseña cómo restaurar el valor de los heridos y los cansados
Pastoral Care for Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks
Paul shows us how to restore worth to the wounded and weary.
La carta de Pablo a una iglesia prejuiciosa
Lo que las congregaciones multiétnicas pueden aprender de las instrucciones dadas por el apóstol para la Cena del Señor.
Aunque los nombres han cambiado, nuestra atracción hacia los ídolos permanece
Cómo la falsa adoración de hoy en día se asemeja a la del Antiguo Testamento.
Paul’s Letter to a Prejudiced Church
How the apostle’s instructions on the Lord’s Supper speak to multiethnic congregations today.
You May Not Know Judaism as Well as You Think
John Phelan’s evangelical guide to Jewish thought and history contains many revelations—some of them painful.
Devotional: Prayer for God’s Joyful Presence Even When All Else Is Lost
A moment to reflect on finding joy in the brokenness.
Our Attraction to Idols Remains the Same, Even When the Names Change
How false worship today resembles false worship in the Old Testament.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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