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Why 9/11 Brought Neither Unity Nor Revival
Many Christians think spiritual renewal followed the terrorist attacks, but the record shows otherwise.
Meet the TikTok Generation of Televangelists
These young influencers want to #MakeJesusViral.
이 위기의 때에 요구되는 진정한 오순절 신앙
이 성령 충만한 신학이 대유행병에 어떻게 대응해야 하는지를 보여준다.
Coronavirus Menyerukan Kebangkitan kembali Pentakosta Sejati
Meskipun mengalami kegagalan, teologi yang kepenuhan Roh Kudus dapat menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana untuk merespons pandemi.
La pandemia por coronavirus exige el renacimiento del verdadero pentecostalismo
A pesar de los fracasos, la teología llena del Espíritu Santo puede mostrarnos cómo responder a la pandemia.
O Coronavírus clama por um reavivamento do Pentecostalismo verdadeiro
Apesar das falhas, a teologia da plenitude do Espírito pode nos mostrar como responder à pandemia.
Coronavirus Calls for Revival of Real Pentecostalism
Despite failures, Spirit-filled theology can show us how to respond to the pandemic.
When Revival Swept Hawaii
A decade after the first missionaries arrived, the gospel tore across the islands in the 1830s.
Did George Whitefield Serve Two Masters?
A new biography helps us come to terms with the unsavory side of the great revivalist’s mission to America.
5 Terms Christians Need To Stop Misusing
The way we’ve been using these terms causes confusion for newcomers, nonbelievers and even for long-time Christians.
Quick To ListenEpisode 100|47min
Muslim Refugees Are Finding Christ—And Facing Backlash
What happens when Middle Eastern Christians and Muslims immigrate to secular Sweden?
How History’s Revivals Teach Us to Pray
The case for communing with God in a daring and agonizing way.
From Jonathan Edwards to Jerry Falwell
Pulitzer Prize–winner Frances FitzGerald looks at the long history behind evangelical political activism.
The Benedict Option’s False Dichotomy
We can't choose between Christian community or cultural presence.
The Benedict Option’s Blind Spots
A vibrant church in America learns from global and local leaders.
Is It Time for Evangelicals to Strategically Withdraw from the Culture?
Four evangelical thinkers consider what Rod Dreher's Benedict Option means for the church.
Why the Next Great Move of God Will Make Church People Uncomfortable
How will we know when the next great move of God happens? Because it will be felt outside the church, too.
Charles Finney Was Not a Fan of Babies (or Dogs) in Church
The revival preacher had no patience for distractions. But was he right?
When Altar Calls Don't Work
How many times did I need to get saved before truly loving God?
Transition Without Relocation: 8 Steps to Stay Fresh In a Long-Term Pastorate
A pastor who stops learning, stops leading. And a pastor who stops leading, stops pastoring. Even if they stay on the job.

Top Story April 28, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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