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Небрежность это смертный грех
Библия последовательно осуждает несоблюдение процедур, от которого страдают другие люди. А такие случаи повсеместны.
Should We Cancel Luther and Calvin?
The Reformers believed in burning heretics. Making sense of that grave mistake means looking first at ourselves.
The Demise of Jerry Falwell Jr. Makes for Great Media Fodder
But how should Christians be engaging it?
O dano colateral do pecado
A pior consequência de “errar o alvo” não é a que afeta o próprio pecador, mas sim o seu próximo.
The Collateral Damage of Sin
Worse than what “missing the mark” does to our soul is what it does to our neighbors.
I Untied My Noose and Took Up My Cross
A serious drug arrest had darkened my horizon. But a sweet, soft voice whispered words of hope.
You Should Be Bored in Church
Q&A with education professor Kevin Gary on the moral problem of the restless mind and why we need to learn to sit with tedium.
Negligence Is a Deadly Sin
The Bible is consistent in condemning shortcuts that hurt others. And they’re rife.
Christian Celebrity Isn’t a Problem to Fix, But an Eye to Gouge Out
Katelyn Beaty’s critique of evangelical fame-worship is wise but overly tame.
Stop Applauding Pastors Who Publicly Confess Their Sins
When leaders admit wrongdoing, we should respond with quiet sobriety, not clapping.
Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Inappropriate Online Relationship
Elders at The Village Church said Instagram direct messages “revealed something unhealthy.”
There Is No One Fully Optimized, Not Even One
How a “low anthropology” pushes back on perfectionistic assumptions about human nature.
A Nonconservative’s Plea to Those Leaving Conservative Churches
Roger Olson sympathizes with liberal leavers, but he draws the line at liberal theology.
Vamos falar sobre raça como filhos de Deus, e não como construtores de Babel
Em Cristo, podemos lidar até mesmo com as conversas mais difíceis sem desrespeitar o outro.
The Gospel Is the Giver of Salvation, Not Just the Gift
Too often, our (mis)understanding of the Good News devalues a vital, life-shaping, world-changing relationship with God himself.
Let’s Talk About Race like Believers, Not Babel-ers
In Christ, we can handle even the toughest conversations without speaking past one another.
Bill Maher, Donald Miller y John Piper tienen algo en común
De diferentes maneras, Dios los usó para guiarme a Cristo.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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