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Train Up a Child: Ukraine’s Christian Schools Model Wartime Education
Evangelical-led movement offers family atmosphere and biblical values increasingly attractive to the beleaguered nation.
Ukrainian Refugees Find Christian Welcome—in Russia
Offering food and shelter, Russian evangelicals are caring for the Donbas’s displaced. But in the face of Ukrainian frustration, dare they offer pastors for its empty pulpits?
Baptism by Flood: Kherson Christians Persevere After Ukraine Dam’s Destruction
Occupied, liberated, and now underwater, Kherson remains on the frontline of fighting—and faith, as a local seminary president explains.
Слов’янські церкви Америки наповнюються біженцями від війни в Україні
Одне покоління біженців із пострадянського простору вітає інше.
Славянские церкви Америки наполняются беженцами от войны в Украине
Одно поколение беженцев из постсоветского пространства приветствует другое.
US Slavic Churches Booming with Ukrainian War Refugees
One generation of Soviet refugees is welcoming another.
Conflit au Soudan : les chrétiens au risque d’être piétinés comme de l’herbe
Le pays a connu des conflits et des coups d’État à maintes reprises, mais cette fois-ci, selon l’historien Christopher Tounsel, les croyants se trouvent en plein milieu.
Christians Worry About Getting Trampled Like Grass in Sudan Conflict
The African country has seen conflict and coup over and over, but this time, says historian Christopher Tounsel, believers are right in the middle of it.
As Churches Offer Refuge, Sudanese Christians Refine Theology of War
“Already but not yet” takes on new meaning as violence scatters believers from Khartoum to corners of Sudan where biblical application has long been lived.
Estonia Seminary Unites War-Weary Russians and Ukrainians in Christ
Baltic Methodist Seminary offers a rare safe space to Slavic foes.
Died: Rachel Kerr James, Missionary Nurse to War-Torn Vietnam
One of the first Southern Baptists into Indochina, she started medical clinics while raising four children and helping her husband plant churches.
Khartoum Churches Damaged as Sudan Descends Closer to Civil War
As foreigners evacuate, Sudanese Christians remain caught in the crossfire of rival generals.
Poetry, Photography, and Fleming Rutledge Led One American to Volunteer in Ukraine
A Maine man learns that discerning God’s call can be complicated.
Informe: 500 iglesias y lugares religiosos ucranianos dañados por militares rusos
Uno de cada tres edificios destruidos o saqueados contabilizados por el Instituto para la Libertad Religiosa pertenecen a evangélicos, quienes fueron acusados de ser «espías estadounidenses».
우크라이나의 사역자들은 ‘언제든 하나님께 갈 준비가 되어 있다’고 말한다
그곳에 남은 목회자와 교회 지도자들은 하루하루가 마지막인 것처럼 봉사한다.
Russian Christians Make Theological Case for Peace
Anonymous Christmas condemnation of invasion offers insight into antiwar movement as it seeks reconciliation with Ukrainian believers—who want names.
Can Westerners Atone for Their Sins Without Breeding Resentment and Ingratitude?
An imaginary soirée with Douglas Murray, the Christian-friendly agnostic author of "The War on the West".
Los ministros en Ucrania están ‘listos para encontrarse con Dios en cualquier momento’
Los pastores y líderes de las iglesias que permanecieron en Ucrania sirven como si cada día pudiera ser el último.
Служителі в Україні готові до зустрічі з Богом будь-якої миті
Служителі й пастори, які залишились у своїх церквах, несуть служіння й знають, що кожен їхній день може стати останнім.
Служители в Украине «готовы к встрече с Богом в любой момент»
Оставшиеся в своих церквах служители и пасторы несут служение и знают, что каждый их день может стать последним.

Top Story May 19, 2024

The Miracle of the Ear
The Miracle of the Ear
Speech was not God’s only miracle at Pentecost. The Spirit also gave the gift of understanding, overcoming division and contempt.

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