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Чи задоволений Бог нашим поклонінням?
З точки зору Амоса, це залежить від того, чи вимагає Бог, якому ми поклоняємося, справедливості.
Доволен ли Бог нашим поклонением?
С точки зрения Амоса, это зависит от того, требует ли Бог, которому мы поклоняемся, справедливости.
Churches Continue to Sing Hillsong and Bethel Despite Controversies
Study: Worship leaders say they don’t care what music tops the charts, but trust peer recommendations and what they have heard at conferences.
SBC Study Raises Concerns about Lack of Worship Leaders
Decline in children’s music ministries bodes ill for future, scholar says.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 61|49min
How Bodies Believe with David Taylor
The professor, priest, and author speaks to the role of the body in worship.
4 New Releases from Indie Worship Artists
From joyful big-band tunes to aching psalms, from Dallas to down under, local musicians bring depth and diversity to our praise.
For Worship Bands, Auto-Tune Covers a Multitude of Sins
In the livestreaming era, church sound booths are upping their game.
Blind Band Revives Traditional Worship in Lebanon’s Churches
Group seeks to open the eyes of Arab hearts through oriental quarter-note melodies.
Louange et manipulation émotionnelle : avons-nous confiance en ceux qui mènent la danse ?
L’Esprit de Dieu est à l’œuvre ; les experts de la production musicale aussi.
Is God Pleased by Our Worship?
For Amos, it depends on whether the God we worship demands justice.
A música de adoração manipula nossas emoções. Você confia em quem está ministrando o louvor?
O Espírito está operando, mas os mecanismos em torno de sets de adoração hiperproduzidos também estão.
La música de adoración es emocionalmente manipuladora. ¿Confías en el líder que toca las cuerdas?
El Espíritu Santo obra, pero también lo hacen los mecanismos que rodean los sets de alta producción.
Worship Music Is Emotionally Manipulative. Do You Trust the Leader Plucking the Strings?
The Spirit is at work, but so are the mechanisms around high-production sets.
Como Bethel e Hillsong assumiram o controle dos setlists de adoração
“Se você já teve a sensação de que a maioria das músicas de adoração parece igual, pode ser porque essas músicas... foram escritas por uns poucos compositores.”
New Resource Helps Kids ‘Grow Into’ Hymns
Children’s minister and artist collect 150 songs to span generations.
Nuestros servicios de adoración están convirtiendo la alabanza en ganancia secular
Con la consolidación corporativa de la música de alabanza, cada vez más entidades invierten en las canciones que se cantan los domingos por la mañana. ¿Cómo influirán en la Iglesia esos intereses económicos?
Where Ya From?Episode 47|1 hr 2min
Pursuing the Flourishing of Others with Sandra Van Opstal
How Scripture should fuel our desire to seek justice in our communities and around the world.
「有名人はイエスだけ 」―リバイバルを守ったアズベリー大学―

Top Story May 7, 2024

Let the Neurodivergent Children Come to Me
Let the Neurodivergent Children Come to Me
Gentle parenting is one tool to train up children who have disabilities with love and wisdom.

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