
The Real Theological Issue Between Christians and Muslims
It's not about a different God, it's about a different Jesus.
The Missing Heart of Our Gospel: Union with Christ
Pastor and author Rankin Wilbourne explains why this biblical doctrine is so important for every Christian.
Our Priorities Are Off When Family Is More Important Than Church
Jesus' focus was on the family of God, not the biological family.
The Casserole-Toting Church Ladies Hold the Secret To Happiness
I found unexpected heroes—and a model for faithful living—in the elderly women at my church.
What the Magic Kingdom Reminds Us About the Eternal Kingdom
The happiest place isn't on earth...yet.
Too Many Transitions Can Traumatize Our Kids
I know from experience what happens when children face moving, divorce, or other stressful life change—and how we can help them.
The 5 Truths Stay-at-Home and Working Moms Can Agree On
After interviewing 120 women, I saw glimmers of a truce in the Mommy Wars.
My Encounter with Ken Ham's Giant Ark
A four-hour visit to the massive replica of Noah's boat left me with a flood of questions.
The Truth About Living with an Invisible Illness
God sees me and my pain even when others cannot.
Whom Should We Blame for the Violence?
Maybe someone we hadn't even considered.
The Lord's Supper Is a Rehearsal Dinner
When we partake in communion, we're practicing for something big.
Where Evangelicals Stand on Transgender Morality
LifeWay Research looks at how Americans feel about changing genders.
The Other Christian Nation
A cozy relationship between church and state has lasting implications.
How to Date When You’re Almost Middle-Aged
As I close in on 40, I’m learning how to live without marriage (even as I desire it).
The Burden and Promise of Racial Reconciliation
After Minnesota, Baton Rouge, and Dallas, can we transcend optimism or despair?
Come Out of Your Gender-Role Foxholes
How men and women can have better conversations about leadership, love, and life together.
Why Can’t We Christians Laugh Anymore?
At a time when evangelicals feel culturally embattled, it seems we’ve lost our ability to laugh.
When Tithing Comes With a Money-Back Guarantee
How did churches like NewSpring and Life.Church get thousands of Christians to start giving? By offering a refund if God isn't faithful.
Why Complementarian Men Need Complementarian Women
In the midst of our civil war on the Trinity, we need to put down our arms and remember that men and women are in this together.
Let Deuteronomy Awaken Your Inner Child
The Israelites needed a little less grown-up good sense, and a little more childlike wonder. So do we.

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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