
My Top 5 Books on the Black Experience in America
Pastor Bryan Loritts chooses 5 books to help evangelicals understand African-American hopes and anxieties.
Jen Wilkin: Thank God I’m Not Like God
How his perfections make me grateful for my flaws.
Why God Gives Us Weakness
How I’ve come to identify with Gideon the wimp.
Why You Can Still Bet Your Life on Christ
An updated version of Pascal’s wager offers a powerful argument for Christian commitment.
Reach Out—God Is Closer Than You Know
We tend to emphasize his beyond-ness over his nearness. Why that’s a mistake.
Should States Honor the Bible as a Historic But Not Sacred Book?
Tennessee lawmakers fail to override governor's veto of Scripture as official state symbol.
Cancer, Where Is Your Sting?
A neurosurgeon discovers hope and healing in the face of a terminal diagnosis.
The Church’s Law-Grace Throwdown: 300 Years and Going Strong
A group of 18th-century Scottish churchmen fought bitterly over the right teaching. How we can we avoid veering toward their extremes?
Reading Esther in the Shadow of ISIS
A Jewish philosopher’s perspective on how God delivers his people from radical evil.
The Messy Drama and Trauma of New Life
Birth and baptism come at a painful cost.
7 Spiritual Lessons from Running
What hitting the running trail taught me about the Christian life.
The Curse of Our Shame
Humiliation leads to the Cross.
Why Did Jesus Choose the Cross?
The reason he died a bloody, horrible death.
Don’t Force the Celebration at Funerals
Even knowing the truth of the resurrection, it’s still okay to cry.
Even Tyler Perry Can't Improve on the Greatest Story Ever Told
Why the passion of Jesus Christ doesn't need to be contextualized.
Pay-to-Pray Scam: Christian Prayer Center Must Refund $7 Million
Seattle-based website with 1 million Facebook fans used deceptive methods to entice people to pay $9 to $35 for prayers.
Christian Parents: Your Children Need More Than a Bomb Shelter
An excerpt from 'You Are What You Love.'
Why We Still Need Kierkegaard
Evangelicals shouldn’t forget his mission to make faith more ‘difficult.’
How John Piper Knows the Bible Is True
His latest book makes Scripture's case for itself.
Is It Time for American Christians to Disobey the Government?
When to practice civil disobedience.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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