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Book Notes
New and noteworthy releases on church history that deserve recognition.
How Not to Read Dante
You probably missed the point of The Divine Comedy in high school.
Bill Hybels and fourth-century preaching star John Chrysostom would have a lot to talk about
Deep and Wide
"A dive into Reformation imagery yields striking new insights, while a drive-by church history overview largely disappoints."
Between Extremes
"Church leaders didn't like Pelagius's ideas about free will, but they've never been able to avoid them completely"
God's Guarantee
When God promised to take care of you, he meant he'd never let you go—not even when you left home for college.
6 Don'ts for College Success
Avoid these common mistakes.
Fun … and a Whole Lot More
Choosing a Christian college doesn't mean settling for a second-rate experience.
Out with the Old?
As rumors of Pope John Paul II's retirement circulate, it's worth remembering the story of the last pope to resign
Revive Us Again
Two recently translated books recount searches for recapturing Pentecost.
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