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Right Brain, Left Brain
A whole-brain approach to worship arts budgeting
Before Your Church Hires a Maintenance Contractor
The immediate objective is to match the job with the talents of the person or company you wish to hire.
Volunteer Youth Leader Orientation Guide
Resources to help youth ministry leaders fit into their roles.
What you need to know about building or remodeling a church facility.
Finding the Funding Oasis
Getting the money for a building project during a financial drought.
I'll Be Home for Christmas
Someone may be waiting for you to reach out to them this holiday season.
Planning the Pastor's Retirement Package
How should our church plan for our minister's retirement?
Urgent Care: Crisis Pregnancy
Don't pass up sensitive, hope-filled ministry in the face of this situation.
When Divorce Visits Your Small Group
What to do in the likely event of a marital crisis
Worship Seating
Chairs, pews, or seats?
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