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Practicing the Principle of Differentiation
How to consistently connect with your hearers.
Passionate for Change
For the church course, these business books are up to par.
Book Review: The Next Christians
Gabe Lyons' new book explains why the end of Christian America is good news.
Preaching on the Parables of Jesus
How to read and communicate Jesus' stories for spiritual impact and life transformation.
Overcoming the Influence of Affluence
Text: 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Bruce Shelley: A Historian for the People
The late author of the best-selling Church History in Plain Language had a passion for ministry through story.
Preaching on Daniel
An overview of the historical background and theology of Daniel to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
Preaching Today and Beyond
In challenging times, it is important to keep our hearers focused on the ultimate victory of the City of God.
A Man for All Evangelicals
Vernon Grounds shaped the movement with a rare combination of gifts in apologetics, social justice, and pastoral counseling.
Insights for Preachers
Hermeneutics + neuroscience + missional theology.
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