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Ministering to the Imagination
It's often neglected, but the imagination is critical to discipleship.
Book Review: Making Ideas Happen
A helpful book of counter-intuitive pragmatism.
The Christian Industrial Complex (Part 1)
Are Christian bookstores challenging the values of our culture or just copying them?
The Christian Industrial Complex (Part 2)
Lack of imagination and not customers is what is killing Christian bookstores.
Ur Video: The Church and the Arts
David Taylor discusses three encouraging developments. Do you agree?
Art + Exegesis = "The Minimum Bible"
Pastor and artist Joseph Novak talks text and symbol.
Why Sunday Morning May Not Be Our Finest Hour
...and why hope lives on.
Developing Eyes to See
Modern leaders must know how to communicate with images.
"I Don't Know the First Thing About Leading Artists"
Dozens of pastors admit that trying to lead their more artistically minded staff members and volunteers leaves them baffled and befuddled. Don't be one of them.
Dancing in the Rain
Erwin McManus on how being "naked and unashamed" led to new faith, new life, and new believers.
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