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Strip Clubs and Cupcakes
What does it take to reach women in the sex industry? Maybe just a little love … and frosting.
True Discipleship Waits
What ever happened to self control?
The Poet of Ur: "The Liar’s Lament"
A reflection on the assassins within us all.
Protecting the Pastor's Soul
Practical disciplines to keep church leaders in the race.
The Passion of the Heist
How should the church respond to Grand Theft Auto IV?
Divine Agnosticism
Reverent silence as one antidote to Consumer Christianity.
Tuesdays with Tozer- Repentance
What brings a person to a place of repentance?
Ur Video: John Piper on Porn
John Piper, D.A. Carson, and Tim Keller fight porn with theology.
Surprised by Addiction
These ministers faced their compulsions""and stayed in ministry.
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