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Finding Contentment in Leadership
The right focus can bring a new perspective
Five People Who Need Your Prayer
A challenge to partner with God’s power
When Loving Your Sheep Hurts
How I found healing after betrayal in ministry
Our Difficult Balance
How do we handle the disappointed expectations of ministry?
High Anxiety
Leaders have lots of reasons to worry … and one overriding reason not to.
Covenant vs. Contract
An Interview with Matt Chandler
The Barnacles of Life
What Dallas Willard taught me about living the Jesus way in ministry.
Healing—and Leading—After Tragedy, Part One
Recovering from trauma is possible, necessary, and sometimes very hard.
Healing—and Leading—After Tragedy, Part Two
Recovering from trauma is possible, necessary, and sometimes very hard.
Healing—and Leading—After Tragedy, Part Three
Recovering from trauma is possible, necessary, and sometimes very hard.
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