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Fear of Failure
Unwind your fear with a truer perspective on ministry.
Every Idle Word: 8 Cautions for Ministers on Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for good, for evil, and for mischief. These eight ideas can help keep conversations civil and reputations intact.
Leaders and Do-Overs
Don't overlook the power of second chances.
27 Benefits of Putting an Expiration Date On New Ministries In Your Church
Here's a great way open your church up to innovative new ideas by minimizing the risk – or at least the sting – of failure.
Why Church Growth Is a Shockingly Inexact Science
Have you ever wondered why some mistakes will stop the numerical growth of one church, but not even slow another one down?
The Raw Beauty of Giving God Our Second Best
Sometimes ‘God deserves our best’ can serve as a cover for our pride. God also wants our second best. And our worst. And everything in between.
The 10 Percent Grace Rule: Judging Without Being Judgmental
As Christians and as consumers of content, how do we balance wise discernment with forgiveness and grace? 
Please Stop Saying ‘It’s Just the Way I Am’ to Excuse Mediocrity In Ministry
If anything hinders our ability to do what God has called us to do, we don’t have the option to let it slide.
My Biggest Ministry Mistake
Ten leaders weigh in to help others avoid their mishaps.
7 Keys to a Smooth Church Transition
How to make major changes without alienating your congregation.
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