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Spring Book Forecast February 12, 1965

Thanks to authors who had the “bite to write” and thanks also to cooperative publishers, CHRISTIANITY TODAY can again present its readers with its Spring Forecast of new books. We trust that this forecast will be useful to all who want to know what will be published in their fields—to students, to ministers, to college, seminary, and university professors, and to librarians and others whose profession is books.

As any minister knows who has tried to organize his personal library according to subject matter, books, like life, overflow any system of division. Where, for example, would you put Roman Catholic publisher Sheed and Ward’s Generation of the Third Eye (their director, James F. Foster, “simply gave up”) or their How to Peel a Sour Grape, by R. Frisbie, described as “an impractical guide to successful failure” and as something for the “Aspirin Age”? And now that the demands of what is also the Ecumenical Age have been met, we can proceed to more manageable titles.

APOLOGETICS, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE: Beacon Hill will publish A Christian Perspective of Knowing by E. E. Barrett; Devin-Adair, Catholics and Birth Control: Contemporary Views on Doctrine by D. D. Bromley, introduction by Richard Cardinal Cushing; Eerdmans, The Burden of Sören Kierkegaard by E. J. Carnell; Harper and Row, Hymn of the Universe by Teilhard de Chardin; Hawthorn, Linguistics, Language and Religion by D. Crystal and Towards a Theology of Science by L. Bright; Herder and Herder, In the Field with Teilhard de Chardin by G. G. Barbour; Houghton Mifflin, Beyond the Outside by C. Wilson; John Knox, Pascal’s Recovery of Man’s Wholeness by A. N. Wells; Philosophical Library, A Philosopher Looks at Science by A. N. Whitehead; Scribners, Religious Philosophies of the West by G. F. Thomas and The Arts of the Beautiful by Etienne Gilson; Seabury, The Crisis of Cultural Change by M. B. Bloy, Jr.; University of Michigan, Culture and Anarchy (Matthew Arnold’s masterpiece of political and social thought) edited by R. H. Super; Westminster, A Layman’s Introduction to Religious Existentialism by E. B. Borowitz; and Yale University, Heidegger, Being, and Truth by Laszlo Versényi.

BIBLE COMMENTARIES AND DICTIONARIES: Cambridge will print The Gospel According to John by A. M. Hunter and The Gospel According to Luke by E. J. Tinsley; Eerdmans, The Epistle to the Romans by J. Murray, Volume II from the “New International Commentary on the New Testament”; Macmillan, Pictorial Biblical Encyclopedia by Cornfield; Sheed and Ward, The Gospel According to Saint Matthew by A. Jones; Westminster, I and II Samuel by H. Wilhelm and Young People’s Bible Dictionary by B. Smith; and Zondervan, The New English Bible Concordance by E. Elder and The Epistles of John and Timothy, Titus and Philemon by W. E. Vine.

BIBLICAL STUDIES: Abingdon will present The Compassionate Christ by W. R. Bowie and His Hidden Grace by R. A. Harrisville; Harper and Row, Bible Key Words, Volume V, by G. Kittel; Herder and Herder, Original Sin: A Biblical Interpretation by A. Dubarle, O. P.; McGraw-Hill, Collected Old Testament Studies by G. von Rad; William Morrow, The Bible as History by W. Keller; Prentice-Hall, The Romance of Bible Scripts and Scholars by J. H. P. Reumann; Revell, Great Personalities of the Bible by W. S. LaSor and Things Which Become Sound Doctrine by J. D. Pentecost; Westminster, Our English Bible in the Making by H. G. May; World, The Epistle to the Romans by F. J. Leenhardt and Farrar’s Life of Christ by F. W. Farrar; and Zondervan, The Invisible War by D. G. Barnhouse.

CHURCH HISTORY: Abingdon will be coming out with Charles Wesley—The First Methodist by F. C. Gill; Bethany, The Church and Its Culture by R. M. Pope; Cambridge, Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety: Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine by R. E. Dodds; E. P. Dutton, The General Next to God: The Story of William Booth and the Salvation Army by R. Collier (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Salvation Army); Eerdmans, Register of the Company of Pastors of Geneva in the Time of Calvin translated by P. E. Hughes, The Reformation by O. Chadwick, and A History of Christian Missions by S. Neill; Exposition, Church and Clergy in the American Revolution by L. D. Joyce; Harper and Row, The Athanasian Creed by J. N. D. Kelly and The Heritage of Christian Thought edited by R. Cushman and E. Grislis; Herder and Herder, John XXIII, Pope Paul on His Predecessor and a Documentation by the editors of Herder Correspondence; John Knox, John Knox by L. E. Percy; Little, Brown and Company, The World of Josephus by G. A. Williamson; Macmillan, The Anguish of the Jews by Flannery; Moody, Blood and Fire (William Booth and the Salvation Army) by Edward Bishop; Scribners, The Spirit of Anglicanism by H. R. McAdoo; Sheed and Ward, Luther and Aquinas on Salvation by S. Pfurtner, O. P., and The Division of Christendom by C. Dawson; and Westminster, The Lord of History by W. C. Loper and The Existence of God as Confessed by Faith by H. Gollwitzer.

DEVOTIONAL: From Abingdon will come The Suffering Servant by C. Marney; Augsburg, Pathways of the Passion: Daily Meditations for the Lenten Season by P. Lönning; Baker, Building Your Spiritual Strength and Secret of Christian Family Living by R. Heynen; Christopher, Moments with Jesus by R. E. Haltner, Sr.; Eerdmans, Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure by D. M. Lloyd-Jones; and John Knox, Splendid Moments by B. W. Stoffel.

ECUMENICS: The Second Vatican Council continues to spur production in this area, with an assist by the Jewish question. Augsburg will publish Dialogue on the Way: Protestants Report from Rome on the Vatican Council edited by G. Lindbeck; Doubleday, What’s the Difference? by L. Cassels (religion editor for United Press International); Exposition, The Heresy of Pope John XXIII by U. Oxfort (a book that would seem to have another spirit than that of 1870); Hawthorn, Twentieth Century Catholicism by L. Sheppard; Herder and Herder, Updating: The Church Tomorrow by G. H. Tavard; Oxford, Rome and Reunion by F. C. Grant and We Jews and Jesus by S. Sandmel; Prentice-Hall, Ecumenics: The Science of the Church Universal by J. A. Mackay; United Church Press, Vatican Diary 1964: A Protestant Observes the Third Session of Vatican Council II by D. Horton; and Westminster, Jews and Christians: Preparation for Dialogue by G. A. F. Knight.

ETHICAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Baker will offer Family, State, and Church by Paul Wooley; Bethany Press, Christian Faith and the Church by H. J. Forstman; Broadman, Conversion and Christian Character by S. Southard and Marriage and the Bible by E. White; Harper and Row, All Things New by A. C. Biezanek; Hawthorn, What Is Society? by G. Zahn and Labor and the Church by J. Cronin and H. Flannery; John Knox, Communism, Christianity, Democracy by S. Singh; David McKay, Unmarried Love by E. Chesser; Macmillan, The Authentic Morality by Lepp; Moody, God Is for the Alcoholic by J. Dunn; Philosophical Library, Reverence for Life by Albert Schweitzer; Prentice-Hall, Toward an Understanding of Homosexuality by D. Cappon, D. P. M.; Revell, Twelve Angels from Hell by D. Wilkerson; Scribners, Tangled World by R. L. Shinn and Honesty in the Church by D. Callahan; United Church Press, A Door Ajar by J. M. Benton; University of Michigan, The Dropout: Causes and Cures by L. F. Cervantes; Westminster, Conquest by Suffering: The Process and Prospect of Nonviolent Resistance by H. Siefert; and Zondervan, The Jew Returns to Israel by A. Darms.

LITURGY: Concordia will issue Ceremony and Celebration by P. Lang; John Knox, Presbyterian Worship: Its Meaning and Method by D. Macleod; Prentice-Hall, Liturgy and Christian Unity by R. P. Marshall, O. S. L., and M. J. Taylor, S. J.; and Westminster, The Protestant Case for Liturgical Renewal by K. Phifer.

MISSIONS (EVANGELISM): Baker will be publishing Apostle to Inland China (J. Hudson Taylor) by J. S. and V. B. Kiefer; Christopher, Ambassador to the Saints by C. S. Rice; Doubleday, Christian Encounter with a Changed World by R. P. Beaver; Herald, Sense and Incense by O. Eby; Little, Brown, The Forest Calls Back by J. Mendelsohn; Macmillan, Witness in the Desert: The Life of Charles De Foucauld by Six (a name, not a number); Moody, The Bible Basis of Missions by R. H. Glover and Missionary Legal Manual by C. M. Bishop; Nelson, We Two Alone: Attack and Rescue in the Congo by Ruth Hege; Princeton, Christian Missionaries and the Creation of Northern Rhodesia, 1880–1924, by R. I. Rotberg; Westminster, Missions in a Time of Testing by R. K. Orchard; and Zondervan, Victory in Viet Nam by Mrs. G. H. Smith and Nothing to Win But the World by C. Cooper.

NEW TESTAMENT: Baker will print The Testimony of the Evangelists, Examined by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice by Simon Greenleaf; Cambridge, The Elements of New Testament Greek by J. W. Wenham; Eerdmans, The Letters of Paul: An Expanded Paraphrase by F. F. Bruce, New Testament Times by M. C. Tenney, and A Survey of the Life of Christ by T. L. Fraser; Harper and Row, The New Testament by W. C. Van Unnik, Epistle to the Hebrews by H. W. Montefiore, Christianity in the Computer Age by A. Q. Morton and J. McLeman, and The Structure of Luke and Acts by A. Q. Morton and G. H. C. MacGregor; Herder and Herder, The Moral Teaching of the New Testament by R. Schnackenburg; Moody, The Acts of the Apostles by T. Walker; Philosophical Library, The Questing Christ by A. O. Steele; Scribners, The Central Message of the New Testament by J. Jeremias; Seabury, The Origin of I Corinthians by J. C. Hurd, Jr.; Westminster, The Theology of the Samaritans by J. MacDonald; and Yale University, The Composition and Order of the Fourth Gospel: Bultmann’s Literary Theory by D. M. Smith, Jr.

OLD TESTAMENT: Baker will put out History of Syria and Palestine to the Macedonia Conquest by A. T. Olmstead and A Short History of the Ancient Near East by S. J. Schwantes (the winner of Baker’s twenty-fifth-anniversary manuscript contest, Mr. Schwantes will appropriately get an all-expense-paid trip to the Holy Land); Eerdmans, A Survey of the Old Testament by T. L. Fraser; John Knox, The Praise of God in the Psalms by C. Westermann; and Westminster, Second Isaiah by J. D. Smart, Introducing Old Testament Theology by J. N. Schofield, and Irony in the Old Testament by E. M. Good.

PASTORAL THEOLOGY (PREACHING, PSYCHOLOGY): Abingdon promises Preaching to be Understood by J. T. Cleland, The False Prophet by D. E. Stevenson, and Jesus and Logotherapy by R. C. Leslie; Beacon Hill, Illnesses of the Modern Soul by R. V. DeLong; Harper and Row, The Healing of Persons by P. Tournier and Suicide and the Soul by J. Hillman; Moody, Introduction to Church Music by J. Wilson; Oxford, The Image of God by T. P. Ferris; Prentice-Hall, Understanding and Helping the Narcotic Addict by T. L. Duncan; and World, Miracles of Achievement by W. J. Smart.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: In this field Augsburg announces Pre-Seminary Education: Report of the Lilly Endowment Study by K. R. Bridston and D. W. Culver; Exposition, The Rise of Religious Education Among Negro Baptists by J. D. Tyms; and Westminster, Education for Renewal by D. J. Ernsberger, The Educational Mission of the Church by R. J. Havighurst, Freedomand Faith: New Approaches to Christian Education by J. G. Chamberlin, and The Church in Search of Education by K. B. Cully.

SERMONS: Abingdon will issue God’s Time and Ours by L. Griffith, The Thickness of Glory by J. Killinger, and Thunder on the Mountain by T. C. Myers; Eerdmans, Adventures of a Deserter: An Exposition of the Book of Jonah by J. Overduin; Herald, From the Mennonite Pulpit by P. Erb; W. A. Wilde, Great Sermons on the Death of Christ by W. B. Smith; and Zondervan, Law or Grace by M. R. De Haan.

THEOLOGY: Augsburg will offer The Word and the Spirit: Essays on Inspiration of the Scriptures by R. Prenter; Baker, A Bibliographical History of Dispensationalism by A. Ehlert; Eerdmans, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume II, edited by Gerhard Kittel, Creative Minds in Contemporary Theology edited by P. E. Hughes, and The Law and the Elements of the World by A. J. Bandstra; Harper and Row, No Rusty Swords by D. Bonhoeffer, Ultimate Concern by D. M. Brown, and Christ and Ourselves by R. Hazelton; Harvard University, Contraception: A History of Its Treatment by the Catholic Theologians and Canonists by J. T. Noonan; Herder and Herder, Word and Redemption: Essays in Theology 2 by H. U. von Balthasar and The Preaching Word: On the Theology of Proclamation by O. Semmelroth, S. J.; Macmillan, The City of the Gods by Dunne and Human History and the Word of God by Connolly; Moody, Dispensationalism Today and The Holy Spirit by C. C. Ryrie; Oxford, Melanchthon on Christian Doctrine edited and translated by C. L. Manschreck and God and Incarnation in Mid-Nineteenth Century German Theology edited and translated by C. Welch: Princeton University, Worship and Theology in England: The Ecumenical Century, 1900–1965, by H. Davies; Sheed and Ward, Theology for Renewal: Bishops, Priests and Laity by Karl Rahner, S. J., and Christ in Christian Tradition: From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon by A. Grillmeier, S. J.; and Westminster, The Christian Natural Theology by J. B. Cobb, Jr., and The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology by G. S. Hendry.

PAPERBACKS: Abingdon will print The World of St. John by E. Ellis, Epistle to the Hebrews by W. Barclay, General Epistles by G. Beasley-Murray, and What Christians Believe by G. Harkness; Augsburg, Kierkegaard and Bultmann: The Quest of the Historical Jesus by H. C. Wolf; Baker, 2500 Sentence Sermons by C. B. Eavey and Simple Sermon Outlines by C. M. Pentz; Beacon Press, The Formation of Christian Dogma by M. Werner; Bethany Press, Eyes of Faith and The Kingdom and the Power by P. S. Minear; Cambridge, The Gospel According to John by A. M. Hunter and The Gospel According to Luke by E. J. Tinsley (both also in cloth); Concordia, On Trial—1965 Lenten Book and Luther on Education by F. V. Painter; Doubleday, Church and State in Luther and Calvin by W. A. Mueller; Eerdmans, The Grace of God by S. J. Mikolaski, The Wrath of Heaven by C. R. Schoonhoven, Descent Into Hell by C. Williams, By What Authority? by B. Shelley, The Mark of Cain by S. Babbage, The Anatomy of Anti-Semitism and Other Essays on Race and Religion by J. Daane, The Lord from Heaven by L. Morris, The Weight of Glory by C. S. Lewis, and Church Growth in Nigeria by J. B. Grimley; Friendship, The Word with Power by S. de Dietrich and Babylon by Choice by M. E. Marty; Harper and Row, The Man from Nazareth by H. E. Fosdick, Prayers for the Christian Year by W. Barclay, and The Books of the Old Testament by R. H. Pfeiffer; Herald, A Death in the Family by J. C. Wenger and Our Neighbors South and North by P. Erb; McGraw-Hill, The Teaching of Contempt by J. Isaac, The Religious Speeches of Bernard Shaw edited by W. S. Smith, and The Catholic Church in Nazi Germany by L. Guenter; Macmillan, Ethics by Bonhoeffer, Faith and History in the Old Testament by MacKenzie, Doing the Truth by Pike; Moody, God Is for the Alcoholic by J. Dunn; Morehouse-Barlow, The Right and the Wrong by J. H. Jacques and Lent with John Wesley by G. S. Wakefield; Nelson, The Genesis Octapla edited by L. A. Weigle; Princeton University, A Short Life of Kierkegaard by W. Lowrie, Shakespeare and Christian Doctrine by R. M. Frye, and The Ancient Near East: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures by J. B. Pritchard; Scribners, God Was in Christ, by D. Baillie; Standard, Understanding the Bible by R. Palmer; United Church Press, The Mystical Presence and Other Writings on the Eucharist by J. W. Nevin, edited by B. Thompson and G. H. Bricker (an unabridged edition of Nevin’s celebrated work, The Mystical Presence, A Vindication of the Reformed or Calvinistic Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist); Upper Room, Places Christ Hallowed by H. H. Sheets; Westminster, Christian Responsibility in Economic Life by Rasmussen, The Theology of Karl Barth: An Introduction by H. Hartwell, and The New Reformation by J. A. T. Robinson; and Yale University, The Problem of God: Yesterday and Today by J. Courtney-Murray, S. J.

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