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Spring Book Forecast February 04, 1966

What is going on in the thought of the Church?

Here is a list of the religious books to be published between now and next September—organized in 20 subject categories

Modern existentialist theologians insist that revelation can occur only in a moment of personal encounter, and they therefore have trouble maintaining the value of the Book. Since the value of books depends ultimately on the character of the Book, the existentialist position carries a devaluation of books. For if books convey only impersonal ideas so that in reading minds meet only in an abstract encounter, the value of books is accordingly depreciated. If indeed God cannot in any real sense meet man in the Book, neither can men meet men in books. Books, in such a view, lose their essential human character and interest.

For our part, we will retain our evaluation of the Book, cling to our belief that a book is a window on a person, and proceed to inform our readers of the religious books to be published between now and next September that will reveal what is going on in the thought and life of the Church.

The following titles are selected from the materials kindly provided by many publishers. The categories will aid the reader in his attempt to keep abreast of a particular field of need and interest.

APOLOGETICS, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE: Abingdon will publish Readings in Christian Thought by H. T. Kerr; Eerdmans, The Church and Learning by Q. Breen and Creative Minds in Contemporary Theology by P. Hughes; Fortress, God and Man: In the Thought of Hamann by W. Leibrecht; Helicon, The Religious Self and Philosophy by L. Dupre and The Meaning of History by H. Marrou; Lippincott, God Beyond Doubt by G. MacGregor; McGraw-Hill, Summa Theologiae, Volumes 18. 42, 46, and 60, by St. Thomas Aquinas; David McKay, The Road to Believing by P. L. DuNouy; Moody, The Bible, Science and Creation by S. Maxwell and What the Cults Believe by I. Robertson; Prentice-Hall, Issues in Science and Religion by I. G. Barbour; Revell, Creation Revealed by F. A. Filby; Scribners, Christianity in World History by A. T. van Leeuwen; Sheed and Ward, God in Creation and Evolution by A. Hulsbosch and A Jew in Christian America by Rabbi A. Gilbert; and University of Notre Dame, Jacques Maritain: Challenges and Renewals by Ward and Evans.

ARCHAEOLOGY: Doubleday will print The Worship of Ancient Israel by W. Harrelson; Prentice-Hall, An Introduction to American Archaeology, Volume I: North and Middle America by G. R. Willey; and Zondervan, Archaeology and Our Old Testament Contemporaries by J. Kelso.

ART AND ARCHITECTURE: From World will come Structures of the Modern World by N. Ponente, The Treasures of Spain by A. Cirici-Pellicer, and Foundations of a New Humanism by G. Duby.

BIBLE COMMENTARIES AND DICTIONARIES: Baker will issue The Minor Prophets by J. Lewis; Beacon Hill. Beacon Bible Commentary, Volumes V and IX; Eerdmans, Wesleyan Bible Commentary, Volume VI. and Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume III. by G. Kittel; Light and Life Press, Arnold’s Commentary for 1967 edited by L. E. Williams; Moody, Unger’s Bible Handbook by M. F. Unger; and Nelson, Commentary on the Prophets, Volumes I and II, by E. Kraeling.

BIBLICAL STUDIES: Baker will present Praying with Paul by R. L. Brandt, The Land and the Book by W. Thompson, and Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord by R. A. Torrey; Beacon Hill, ABC’s of the Parables by G. K. Bowers; Broad-man. This Way to the Cross by C. A. Roberts and These Ten Words by R. L. Honeycutt; Concordia, Children in the Bible by A. DeVries; Harvard University, Biblical Motifs: Origins and Transformations edited by A. Altmann; Helicon, The Witness of John the Baptist by J. Daniélou and The Last Discourse of Jesus by G.-M. Behler; Judson, You Can Understand the Bible by J. R. Link; John Knox, Time and History: A Study on the Revelation by M. Rissi; McGraw-Hill, The Bible Story by S. Andres; Moody, The Revelation of Jesus Christ by J. F. Walvoord and Gleanings from Paul by A. W. Pink; Oxford, The History and Religion of Israel by G. W. Anderson; and Revell, Cities of the New Testament by E. M. Blaiklock.

BIOGRAPHY: Abingdon will produce John Wesley: His Puritan Heritage by R. C. Monk; Broadman, Ten Who Overcame by P. L. Dishman; Concordia, In the Footsteps of Martin Luther by M. A. Kleeberg and G. Leema and Hugo Distler and His Church Music by L. Palmer; Herald, There Have To Be Six by A. Mueller; Lippincott, Four Champions by R. Hitt; McGraw-Hill, Billy Graham: Man of Decision by J. C. Pollock; David McKay, View from the Sixties by G. Oppenheimer; Moody, Aflame for God: Biography of Fredrik Franson by D. B. Woodward and Charles Haddon Spurgeon by W. Y. Fullerton; Scribners, On the Boundary by P. Tillich and Dag Hammarskjold: A Spiritual Portrait by Stolpe; and Zondervan, Portraits of Christ in Genesis by M. R. DeHaan.

CHURCH HISTORY: In this field Baker announces Creeds of Christendom, Volume III, by P. Schaff; Doubleday, The Congregational Way by M. L. Starkey; Eerdmans, The Register of the Company of Pastors of Geneva in the Time of John Calvin edited and translated by P. Hughes and Studies in John Calvin (“Courtney Reformation Series”) edited by G. E. Duffield; Fortress, A History of Christian Thought, Volume II, by O. W. Heick, The Quest Through the Centuries by H. K. McArthur, and Israelite Religion by H. Ringgren; Harvard University, The Russian Religious Mind, Volume II: The Middle Ages edited by John Meyendorff; Helicon, Change and the Catholic Church by J. Newman; Herder and Herder, The Teachings of the Church Fathers by J. R. Willis; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Forerunners of the Reformation (a major source book for late medieval thought) edited by H. A. Oberman; Macmillan, The Historian and the Believer by V. A. Harvey and Names and Titles of Jesus Christ by L. Sabouria; Nelson, Apostolic Fathers, Volume IV, by R. Grant; Princeton University, John Hus’ Conceptof the Church by M. Spinka; Oxford. The Victorian Church, Part I: 1829–1860 by O. Chadwick and Essays in Modern English Church History: In Memory of Norman Sykes edited by G. V. Bennett and J. D. Walsh; Scribners, Christians in the U.S.S.R. by Struve; Sheed and Ward, Mary, a History of Doctrine and Devotion, Volume II, by H. Graef and Monastic Spirituality by C. Peifer; University of Notre Dame, The Press and Vatican II by E. Heston; and Westminster, Protestantism in America by J. C. Brauer and Reformed Confessions of the 16th Century by A. C. Cochrane.

DEVOTIONAL: Eerdmans will be coming out with Prayers by H. E. Kohn and A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life by W. Law; John Knox, On Bended Knee by N. W. Thomas; and Upper Room, The Serviceman at Prayer by L. P. Fitzgerald.

DRAMA. POETRY, FICTION: Augsburg will be publishing Call Back the Years by M. E. Shank; Doubleday. Happiness Can Be a Habit by J. D. Freeman; Eerdmans, They Were There by W. Hager and The Mark of Cain by S. Babbage; Norton, Josie Con Amore by M. Logan. The Janus Lovers by M. Pomeroy, and A Private Mythology by M. Sarton; and World, Bring My Sons from Far by R. L. Lowenstein, Gods’ Man by L. Ward, and Rulers of Darkness by F. J. Lipp.

ECUMENICS: Bethany Press promises The Breaking of the Bread by K. Watkins; Doubleday, Church Cooperation: Dead-End Street or Highway to Unity by F. L. Knapp; Fortress, Foundations of Ecumenical Social Thought edited by J. H. Oldham; Judson, Baptism and Christian Unity by A. Gilmore; McGraw-Hill, American Bishop at the Vatican Council by R. E. Tracy; United Church Press. Vatican Diary 1965: A Protestant Observes the Fourth Session of Vatican Council II by D. Horton; and Westminster, Rome: Opponent or Partner by R. J. Ehrlich.

ETHICAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES: Abingdon will offer The Ghetto of Indifference by T. J. Mullen; Beacon Hill, This Adventure Called Marriage by M. L. Arnold, More Like the Master by P. T. Culbertson, and Get Up and Go by P. Martin; Broadman, Why God Gave Children Parents by D. and V. Edens. Through Discipline to Joy by L. J. Thompson, The Great Sex Swindle by J. W. Drakeford, and Alcohol—In and Out of the Church by W. E. Oates; Doubleday, The Man-Made Order by W. H. Marnell; Eerdmans, Personal Religious Disciplines by J. Gardner, Convictions to Live By by L. N. Bell, and Christian Perspectivesby F. E. Gaebelein; Fortress, S.R.O.: Overpopulation and You by M. L. Bracher and Religions of Mankind: Yesterday and Today by H. Ringgren and A. V. Strom; Harvard, Religion and the American Mind: From the Great Awakening to the Revolution by A. Heimert; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Dissenter in a Great Society by W. Stringfellow; Macmillan, The Ways of Friendship by I. Lepp, Theological Ethics by J. Sellers, A Short History of Ethics by A. MacIntyre, and Christian Ethics and Contemporary Philosophy by I. Ramsey; McGraw-Hill, That They May Overcome (the story of American Protestantism’s awakening to the race problem) by J. M. Pratt; David McKay, This Kind of Peace by T. R. Fehrenbacb; Moody, Pattern for Maturity by J. D. Pentecost; Oxford, The Social Gospel in America: Gladden, Ely, and Rauschenbusch edited by R. T. Handy; Scribners, Man’s Quest for God by A. J. Heschel; Sheed and Ward, God in Education (the first book-length study of the “teaching about religion” clauses of the recent Supreme Court decisions on religion in the schools) by N. C. Nielson. Jr.; Westminster, Toward A Theology of Involvement by B. J. Reist, The Quest for an Authentic Piety by E. Farley, and More than a Man Can Take by W. Baker; World, All to the Good: A Layman’s Guide to Christian Ethics by R. B. McLaren and H. D. McLaren, Biblical Ethics by T. B. Maston, Sex and the Person Today by P. A. Bcrtocci, and Beyond Civil Rights by J. Selby; and Zondervan, Magic in Marriage by J. Jauncey, Works Count Too by C. N. Pickell, Communicating Love through Prayer by R. Rinker, and How to Make a Habit of Succeeding by M. R. Douglas.

LITURGY: Abingdon will be putting out Arise and Go in Peace by F. F. Moore; Augsburg, Oremus: Collects, Devotions, Litanies from Ancient and Modern Sources edited by P. Z. Strodach; Fortress, Divine Service: Liturgy in Perspective by O. Herrlin; Herder and Herder, Our Pastoral Ministry: The Easter Mystery in Parish Life by H. Oster; Macmillan, A Calendar of the Faith by A. M. Roguet; Sliced and Ward, The Religion of Israel by H. Renckens; United Church Press, Worship in the Reformed Tradition by F. W. Schroeder; and Westminster, The Lord’s Supper by S. McCormick, Jr.

MISSIONS (EVANGELISM): Among Abingdon’s titles will be Circles of Faith by D. G. Bradley, The Message and Us Messengers by D. T. Niles, and A Ringing Call to Missions by A. Walker; Broadman, By Love Compelled by J. B. Underwood; Concordia, The Children’s Bridge by H. Lorch, Mission in the American Outdoors by E. W. Mueller and G. C. Ekola, and Faces of Poverty by A. R. Simon; Eerdmans, The World of Mission by B. Sundkler, The Light of the Nations by J. E. Orr, Pioneers in Mission by R. P. Beaver, and History of Evangelism by P. Scharpll; Inter-Varsity, So You Want to Witness by P. E. Little; McGraw-Hill, Joy to My Heart by G. Gleason; Moody, The Missionary Wife and Her Work by J. T. Tuggy; and Zondervan, Congo Crisis by J. Bayly, I Was a Communist Prisoner by H. Popoff, and Realities by M. B. Schlink.

NEW TESTAMENT: Abingdon will print Luke and the Gnostics by C. H. Talbert and Studies in Luke-Acts by L. E. Keck and J. L. Martyn; Eerdmans, The Work of Christ by G. C. Berkouwer and The New Testament and Criticism by G. E. Ladd; Helicon, Follow Me: Be Human by G. H. Sallaway; Herder and Herder, Parables and Instructions in the Gospels by H. Kahlefekl; Scribners, The Eucharistic Words of Jesus by J. Jeremias; Westminster, Eschatology of Paul in the Light of Modern Scholarship by H. M. Shires, Interpreting the Beatitudes by I. W. Batdorf, New Testament Apocrypha edited by E. Hennecke, W. Schneemaelcher, and R. M. Wilson, The Rule of Qumran and Its Meaning by A. R. C. Leaney, How to Interpret the New Testament by F. L. Fisher, and The Three Gospels by W. Barclay; and Zondervan, Plain Talk on Acts and Plain Talk on Matthew by M. G. Gutzke and The Gospel of John by R. L. Laurin.

OLD TESTAMENT: In this category Baker will offer Outline Studies of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon by R. C. Maddux and Israel and Judah by C. F. Pfeiffer; Broadman, Plumb Lines and Fruit Baskets by R. L. Murray and Studying the Book of Amos by D. W. Watts; Doubleday, Invitation to the Old Testament by J. M. Myers; Eerdmans, The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings by E. R. Thiele; Fortress, The Old Testament World by M. Noth; Loizeaux Brothers, Living Patiently by J. A. Blair; McGraw-Hill, The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays by G. von Rad; and Zondervan, The Book of Psalms by J. J. S. Perowne.

PASTORAL THEOLOGY (PREACHING, PSYCHOLOGY): Abingdon will be issuing God, Pain, and Evil by G. A. Buttrick and A Hard Rain and a Cross by H. DeWolf; Augsburg, The Dynamics of Sanctification by W. E. Hulme; Baker, A System of Biblical Psychology by F. Delitzsch; Beacon Hill, Dynamic Evangels by R. E. Price and How to Build Expository Sermons by T. M. Anderson and J. H. Greenlee; Doubleday, Your Pastor’s Problems by W. E. Hulme; Fortress, Preaching from the Gospels, Trinity: 1–9 by A. Voobus and H. G. Davis; Helicon, The Priest: Celibate or Married by P. Hermand and The Focus of Freedom by R. Guardini; John Knox, Healing for You by B. Martin and Preaching and Community by R. Bohren; Lippincott, The New Creation by A. Sanford; Sheed and Ward, Pastoral Counseling by R. Hostie; University of Notre Dame, Realization: The Anthropology of Pastoral Care by J. Goldbrunner; Westminster, Psychological and Theological Relationships in the Multiple Staff Ministry by K. Mitchel, The Forgiving Community by W. Klassen, The Meaning of the Body by J. Sarano, Kerygma and Counseling by T. C. Oden, and Religious Pathology and Christian Faith by J. E. Loder; and Zondervan, The Spirit of a Sound Mind by J. R. Cobb.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Abingdon will publish An Introduction to Christian Education by M. J. Taylor; Augsburg, Those Most Important Years: Christian Training in Early Childhood by O. Ottersen and Puppets Can Teach Too: Using Puppetry in Religious Education by G. J. Myers; Beacon Hill, When You Need a Bible Story by E. B. Jones; Broadman, Leading Children’s Choirs by M. W. Sample and Your Christian Wedding by E. Swadley; Concordia, The Shared Time Strategy by A. F. Friedlander; Helicon, Catholics, Marriage and Contraception by J. Marshall; Herder and Herder, Themes in Catechetics by M. van Caster; and Judson, Songs in Our Bible by J. E. Moore.

SERMONS: Titles from Abingdon will be Sermons to Men of Other Faiths and Traditions by G. H. Anderson, How God Helps by G. Foote, Bible Sermon Outlines by I. Macpherson, Patterns for the Pilgrimage by D. H. Morgan, and Even So … Believe by C. A. Pennington; Augsburg, Looking God’s Way by R. K. Youngdahl; Baker, Revival Crusade Sermons by J. S. Trent, Chapel Messages by H. C. Brown and C. P. Johnson, and In Many Pulpits by C. I. Scofield; Beacon Hill, The Roads of God by J. W. May; Bethany Press, The Roads We Travel by F. Johnson Pippin; Broadman, Getting on Top of Your Troubles by C. A. Trentham; Concordia, Ha! Ha! Among the Trumpets by M. H. Franzmann; Helicon, The Priest by Pope Paul VI; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Selected Sermons of St. Augustine edited by Q. Howe, Jr.; Revell, Good Morning Forever by W. H. Littleton; and Zondervan, The Holy Spirit for Today’s World by W. A. Criswell.

THEOLOGY: Abingdon will put out Prophetic Voices in Contemporary Theology by A. C. Portcous and Contemporary Continental Theologians by S. Paul Schilling; Baker, Reasons for Faith by J. Gerstner, Plain Papers on the Doctrines of the Holy Spirit by C. I. Scofield, and Mind and Heart: Studies in Christian Faith and Experience by R. A. Ward; Bethany Fellowship, If Ye Continue (a study of the conditional aspects of salvation) by G. Duty; Concordia, The Theology of the Resurrection by W. Runneth, The Lively Function of the Gospel edited by R. Bertram, and The Word That Can Never Die by O. Valen-Sendstad; Eerdmans. Theology in Reconstruction by T. F. Torrance, The Soul of the Symbols by J. R. Shultz, What About Tongue-Speaking? by A. Hoekema, and Jesus of Nazareth by C. F. H. Henry; Helicon, Theological investigations, Volume V, by K. Rahner and The Mystery of the Redemption by L. Richard; Herder and Herder, Jesus Christ by Y. Congar, Theology of Revelation by G. Moran, and Hearers of the Word by K. Rahner; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, The Secularization of Christianity (an analysis of the “new morality” as exemplified by John Robinson’s Honest to God and Paul van Buren’s The Secular Meaning of the Gospel) by E. L. Mascall; Macmillan, They Call Us Dead Men by D. Berrigan, Christian Faith in Our Time by F. Buri, A Theology Reader by R. W. Gleason, and Tradition and Traditions: An Historical Essay by Y. Congar; Moody. Hope Triumphant by W. K. Harrison; Oxford, Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition by H. Chadwick; Revell, Winds of Doctrine by A. H. Leitch; Sheed and Ward, Theology of Saint John by J. Crehan, Mary in Protestant and Catholic Theology by T. O’Meara, The Theology of Karl Rahner by D. L. Gelpi, Jewish and Catholic Theology, a symposium, and Freedom Today by H. Rung; University of Notre Dame, Toward a Christian Moral Theology by B. Haring; United Church Press, God, Man, and Time by R. E. Gibson; Westminster, The Satanward View by J. Rallas, The Meaning of Salvation by E. M. B. Green, and The Shape of Christology by J. McIntyre; World, Christian Faith and the Space Age by J. G. Williams, Faith, Peace, and Purpose by R. L. Evans, and The Shaping of Modern Christian Thought by W. F. Groff and D. E. Miller; and Zondervan, The Theology of Evangelism by A. S. Wood.

PAPERBACRS: Abingdon lists Come As You Are by O. H. Austin, Feminine Faces by C. G. Chappell, New Light from Old Lamps by R. L. Smith, and A Listener’s Guide to Preaching by W. D. Thompson; Augsburg, Exodus into the World by L. Halvorson, His Only Son Our Lord: Ideas About the Christ by R. S. Rnutson, and Pastor to Pastor: Conversations with Parish Ministers by R. A. Daehlin; Baker, Sir William Ramsay: Archaeologist and New Testament Scholar by W. Gasque, If You Talk to Teens: A Source Book for Youth Leaders by L. Caldwell, Why Scientists Accept Evolution by R. T. Clark and J. Bales, The Art of Christian Living by R. Heynen, Hitchcock’s Topical Bible by R. D. Hitchcock, 26 Story Sermons for Children by L. Cross, Preaching Poems by C. M. Pentz, Baccalaureate Messages by H. Reed, Malachi by P. Kelly, and Titus and Philemon by P. Johnson; Beacon Hill, Better Kindergarten Teaching by M. S. Edwards, Jungle Call by M. Epp, What I Will Tell My Children about God? by R. Vaughn, and A Plain Account of Christian Perfection by J. Wesley; Bethany Fellowship, The New Life by A. Murray; Bethany Press, The Breaking of Bread by K. Watkins; Broadman, Gift Wrap, Please (play) by E. W. Watson, The Slave Girl (play) by M. U. Glazener, and The Drama of Redemption by W. E. Ward; Concordia, To Mend the Broken by K. Lutze; Doubleday, The Prophetic Voice in Modern Fiction by W. R. Mueller, Buddhism or Communism: Which Holds the Future of Asia? by E. Benz, and The First Amendment by W. H. Marnell; Eerdmans, The Other Side of the Coin by J. Isaias, The Theology of Romantic Love by M. Schideler, Sermon Suggestions in Outline, Volume II, by R. E. O. White, The Church Between the Temple and the Mosque by J. H. Bavinck, Son of Tears by H. Coray, A Consistent World View by D. Dye, Revolt Against Heaven by K. Hamilton, Essays Presented to Charles Williams by C. S. Lewis, German Bibles Before Luther by R. Strand, Church Growth in Central and Southern Nigeria by R. Crimley, Christianity and African Education by R. P, Beaver, The Wrath of Heaven by C. R. Schoonhoven, Wildfire: Church Growth in Korea by R. Shearer, Minister’s Handbook of Contemporary Theology by B. Ramm, and The Grace of God by S. J. Mikolaski; Fortress, Unchanging Mission by D. Webster, O Sing Unto the Lord by H. E. Horn, The Old Testament in Modern Research by H. Hahn, Preaching on Pentecost and Christian Unity edited by A. M. Motter, Popular Christianity and the Early Theologians by H. J. Carpenter, Were Ancient Heresies Disguised Social Movements! by A. H. M. Jones, The Road to Peace by Bennett, Johnstone, et at., The Idea of a Natural Order by V. A. Demant, Kerygma, Eschatology and Social Ethics by A. N. Wilder, and The Divine Command by P. Althaus; Friendship. Need Is Our Neighborby B. L. Johnson, Wealth and Want in One World edited by M. S. Webb, Dignity of Their Own by W. H. Koch, Jr., Cooperation in Compassion by H. E. Fey, This Is the Puzzle of Poverty by J. Struchen, Next Move for the Migrants by W. E. Scholes, and Can’t We All Be Rich? by D. M. Graybeal; Herald, My Comforters by H. G. Brenneman, Alcohol and the Bible by H. Charles, and Middle Age: A Test of Time by C. A. Raber; Herder and Herder, The Meaning of Tradition by J. R. Geiselmann, Hominisation: The Evolutionary Origins of Man as a Theological Problem by K. Rahner, Towards a Theology of Religions by H. R. Schlette, and On Marriage, Sex and Virginity by L. M. Weber; Inter-Varsity, Nature of God by P. Steeves; Judson, Fractured Questions by W. Mild and Assurances of Life Eternal by M. E. Burton; John Knox, The Bible in Christian Teaching by H. Rolston, Forgiveness and Hope by R. Henderlite, If God Does Not Die by B. Martin, Paul Tillich by J. H. Thomas, Rudolf Bultmann by I. Henderson, How To Be a Christian by W. Pfendsack, Brief Outline on the Study of Theology by F. Schleiermacher, The ‘We Knows’ of the Apostle Paul by H. Rolston, and No Strings Attached: Insights into the Means of Grace by C. Culverhouse; Lippincott, The Restless Church by W. Kilboum; Macmillan, The Prison Meditations of Father Delp by the late Father A. Delp, The Secular City Debate by D. Callahan, Four Prophets by J. B. Phillips, The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages by E. Synan, and The Secular Meaning of the Gospel by P. van Buren; Moody, The Wondrous Cross by E. M. Clarkson, Frontiers in Modern Theology by C. F. H. Henry, Jeremiah, Prophet of Judgment by I. L. Jensen, Christian’s Guide to Church Membership by D. Winter, Patterns for Christian Youth by C. C. Ryrie, Christian’s Guide to the New Testament by A. Cole, Daily Assignment by J. Lockerbie, Joshua: Restland Won by I. L. Jensen, Jonah, Reluctant Prophet by W. L. Banks, and Christian’s Guide to the Old Testament by J. B. Taylor; Nelson, Youth Considers Life Goals by R. Snyder, Youth Considers Marriage by D. Mace, and Youth Considers Personal Moods by R. H. Howe; Oxford, Thomas Cranmer by J. Ridley; Prentice-Hall, Readings in Science and Spirit by C. D. Talafous; Regnery, The Living God by R. Guardini, The Theology of Work by Chenu, Thinking about Genesis by Monro, Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy by Schmemann, and Priest and Worker by Perrin; Revell, That Girl in Your Mirror by V. K. Van Dyke; Scribners, Foreign Policy in Christian Perspective by J. C. Bennett and Principles of Christian Theology by J. Macquarrie; University of Notre Dame, The Last Things by R. Guardini and Dimensions of Authority in the Religious Life by Schlitzer; United Church Press, Reform and Renewal by D. Horton et al. and Church Plays and How to Stage Them by A. Johnson; Upper Room, When a Man Prays by H. Rogers; Westminster, After Death by J. A. Motyer, The Church Inside Out by J. C. Hoekendijk and I. C. Rottenberg, Faith, Fact, and Fantasy by C. F. D. Moule, God and Mammon by K. F. W. Prior, God Speaks to Man by J. I. Packer, Guide to the Debate about God by D. Jenkins, Situaation Ethics by J. Fletcher, and God’s Chosen People by R. Morton and M. Gibbs; World, Natural Law and Modern Society by J. Cogley; Yale University, Freedom of the Will by J. Edwards, edited by P. Ramsey, and The Mormon Conflict, 1850–1859 by N. F. Furniss; and Zondervan, What Jesus Had to Say about Money by F. C. Laubach, Apostle to the Illiterates by D. Mason, The Gospel Blimp by J. Bayly, These My People by L. Dickson, Science Returns to God by J. H. Jauncey, Man to Man by R. Halverson, Say ‘Yes’ to Life by A. B. Mow, and Let My Heart Be Broken by R. Gehman.

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