Background study for the World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin
Looking toward the World Congress on Evangelism, to be held in Berlin next fall, CHRISTIANITY TODAY presents representative reading lists on the subject of evangelism prepared by three men in different areas of evangelical ministry. The first list comes from Kenneth L. Chafin, professor of evangelism at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. The second list was prepared by the Reverend Stacey E. Woods, general secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students; works already mentioned by Professor Chafin are not repeated. The third list is from President David A. Hubbard of Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, and likewise excludes books already mentioned by Professor Chafin.
GREEN, BRYAN S.: The Practice of Evangelism. Hodder and Stoughton, 1951.
JOWETT, JOHN HENRY: The Passion for Souls. Revell, 1905.
STEWART, JAMES S.: Thine Is the Kingdom. Saint Andrew Press, 1956.
SWEAZEY, GEORGE E.: Effective Evangelism. Harper and Brothers, 1953.
WALKER, ALAN: The Whole Gospel for the Whole World. Abingdon, 1957.
ALLAN, TOM: The Face of My Parish. Harper and Brothers, and SCM, 1957.
BLACKWOOD, ANDREW W.: Evangelism in the Home Church. Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1942.
SHORT, ROY HUNTER: Evangelism Through the Local Church. Abingdon, 1956.
CALKINS, RAYMOND: How Jesus Dealt with Men. Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1942.
DALLOFF, EUGENE D.: The Romance of Doorbells. Judson, 1951.
JEFFERSON, CHARLES EDWARD: The Minister as Shepherd. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1912.
MACARTNEY, CLARENCE: Great Interviews of Jesus. Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1944.
SOUTHARD, SAMUEL: Pastoral Evangelism. Broadman, 1962.
EVANS, WILLIAM: Personal Soul Winning. Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1910.
STONE, JOHN TIMOTHY: Winning Men. Revell, 1946.
TORREY, R. A.: How to Bring Men to Christ. Revell, 1893.
TRUMBULL, CHARLES G.: Taking Men Alive. YMCA Press, 1907.
JEFFERSON, CHARLES EDWARD: The Minister as Prophet. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1905.
SHORT, ROY H.: Evangelistic Preaching. The Methodist Church, General Board of Evangelism, 1946.
WHITESELL, FARIS D.: Sixty-five Ways to Give Evangelistic Invitations. Zondervan, 1945.
BONAR, HORATIUS: Words to Winners of Souls. American Tract Society, n.d.
BOUNDS, E. M.: Power Through Prayer. Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1960.
FREER, H. W., and HALL, FRANCIS B.: Two or Three Together. Harper and Brothers, 1954.
ARCHIBALD, ARTHUR C.: New Testament Evangelism. Judson, 1947.
BRYAN, DAWSON CHARLES: A Workable Plan of Evangelism. Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1945.
HILTNER, SEWARD: How to Make an Evangelistic Call. Department of Evangelism, Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, 1946.
ALLEN, ROLAND: Missionary Methods—St. Paul’s or Ours? Eerdmans, 1962.
ALLEN, ROLAND: The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church. Eerdmans, 1962.
CHAFER, LOUIS SPERRY: True Evangelism. Zondervan, 1964.
COLQUHOUN, FRANK: Christ’s Ambassadors. Hodder and Stoughton, 1965.
GREEN, MICHAEL: The Meaning of Salvation. Hodder and Stoughton, 1965.
KUIPER, R. B.: God-Centered Evangelism. Baker, 1961.
STOTT, JOHN R. W.: Motives and Methods in Evangelism. Inter-Varsity Press, 1962.
WINTER, DAVID: The Old Faith in a New World. Hodder and Stoughton, 1965.
WOOD, MAURICE: Like a Mighty Army. Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1955.
BARCLAY, WILLIAM: Turning to God: A Study of Conversion in the Book of Acts and Today. Westminster, 1964.
BARLOW, WALTER: God So Loved. Revell, 1952.
BATES, SEARLE M., and PAUCK, WILHELM: The Prospects of Christianity Throughout the World. Scribners, 1964.
BAYLY, JOSEPH: The Gospel Blimp. Windward Press, 1960.
BROWN, STANLEY C.: Evangelism in the Early Church. Eerdmans, 1963.
COLEMAN, ROBERT E.: The Master Plan of Evangelism. Christian Outreach, 1963.
GRAHAM, BILLY: World Aflame. Doubleday, 1965.
MCGAVRAN, DONALD A., et al.: Church Growth and Christian Mission. Harper and Row, 1965. MARSHALL, PETER: John Doe Disciple. McGraw-Hill, 1963.
NEILL, STEPHEN: A History of Christian Missions. Eerdmans, 1964.
NEWBIGIN, LESSLIE, et al.: Decisive Hour for the Christian Mission. SCM Press, 1960.
PACKER, J. I.: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God. Inter-Varsity Press, 1961.
RAINES, ROBERT A.: New Life in the Church. Harper and Row, 1961.
RINKER, ROSALIND: You Can Witness with Confidence. Zondervan, 1962.
SEAMANDS, JOHN T.: The Supreme Task of the Church. Eerdmans, 1964.
SHIPPEY, FREDERICK A.: Protestantism in Suburban Life. Abingdon, 1964.
SHOEMAKER, SAMUEL M.: Beginning Your Ministry. Harper and Row, 1963.
STRACHAN, KENNETH: Evangelism in Depth. Moody, 1961. TRUEBLOOD, ELTON: The Company of the Committed. Harper and Row, 1961.
WEBBER, GEORGE W.: God’s Colony in Man’s World. Abingdon, 1960.
WINTER, GIBSON: The Suburban Captivity of the Churches. Macmillan, 1962.