We have received welcome notice that CHRISTIANITY TODAY has been elected for indexing in the Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, and that indexing of our 1968 issues will begin in the February 25 issue of the Guide. This recognition of broad general interest in the content of CHRISTIANITY TODAY should encourage the availability of the magazine on public library shelves throughout the nation. There are about 17,000 library subscribers to Readers’ Guide, one of the valuable reference works published by The H. W. Wilson Company of New York.
There is more good news. While most magazines, both secular and religious, are showing a marked drop in advertising, total advertising linage in CHRISTIANITY TODAY for 1967 will register a solid 15 per cent gain. Advertising manager Dave Rehmeyer reports that the current issue includes a record total of 732 inches of advertising copy. That is a very pleasant trend. But since not a single religious journal of significant size or influence on the American scene now pays its own way (all are subsidized either by interested individuals or by churches), the prospect of a self-supporting magazine remains as remote for us, in the foreseeable future, as for other religious publications.