The theological scholar—to say nothing of the minister and layman—finds the task of keeping up with the tide of new religious books nearly impossible. These book forecasts, published twice a year and based on information supplied by publishers, are intended to alert readers to forthcoming books that may interest them. Although publishers’ brief prepublication announcements and listings are not an adequate basis for judging the quality and importance of new works, they do put us on the lookout for books by certain known authors and point to the subjects destined to be discussed in theological circles during the coming season.
Some of the better-known evangelical writers offering new books are Elton Trueblood (A Place to Stand), Bruce Larson (Living on the Growing Edge), Charles Ryrie (The Bible and Tomorrow’s News), Eugenia Price (Learning to Live from the Gospels), Elisabeth Elliot (Furnace of the Lord), E. F. Harrison (A Short Life of Christ), and Richard C. Halverson (Relevance). Fall titles that appear to have particular interest for conservative scholars and pastors include Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan by W. F. Albright, Introduction to the Old Testament by R. K. Harrison, More New Testament Studies by C. H. Dodd, The History and Spread of Christianity: A Bibliographical Survey by Kenneth Scott Latourette, and The New Testament in Greek and English published by the American Bible Society.
This season will have a fair share of religious books with popular or controversial themes that should stimulate sales. In this category we may expect The Other Side: An Account of My Experiences with Psychic Phenomena by James A. Pike with Diane Kennedy, Parables of Peanuts by Robert Short, To Walk the Earth Like Men by William Sloane Coffin, Jr., The Black Messiah by Albert Cleage, Jr., Black and Free by evangelist Tom Skinner, I Saw Gooley Fly by Joseph Bayly, and Corita by Sister Corita.
Professional theologians will welcome new entries by such scholars as Helmut Thielicke, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Martin Marty, Gerhard Ebeling, Michael Novak, Jacques Maritain, Bo Reicke, Ernst Käsemann, and Hans Küng. Of special interest will be Gordon Kaufman’s Systematic Theology: A Historicist Perspective. Studies on the historical basis of the Gospel and the application of Christian insights to current social problems seem to promise the most theological excitement in the months ahead. In the following list of selected forthcoming books, the asterisks designate volumes publishers consider their most significant religious titles this fall.
ABINGDON: Floral Art in the Church by J. Inman and The Learning Choir by E. J. Lorenz. FAITH AND LIFE: The Children’s Hymnary by A. Hartzler and J. Gaeddert. JOHN KNOX: The Image Maker by R. Henderson. PRINCETON: Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins by A. Grabar. UNITED: *Corita by Sister Corita.
ABINGDON: The Choice Called Atheism by O. Strunk, Jr., Dialogue in Medicine and Theology edited by D. White, and Cybernetics and the Image of Man by H. E. Hatt. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: The Deluge Story in Stone by B. C. Nelson. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: Distinctive Features of Christianity by A. J. Metcalfe. CORPUS: Responsibility in Modern Religious Ethics by A. R. Jonsen. COWARD-MCCANN: *Here and Hereafter by R. Montgomery. EERDMANS: Holy Book and Holy Tradition edited by F. F. Bruce and E. G. Rupp. HARPER & Row: The Faith of the Atheist by A. Gibson, A Place to Stand by E. Trueblood, Science and Christ by P. Teilhard de Chardin, Come, Let Us Play God by L. G. Augenstein, and The Spirit and Forms of Love by D. D. Williams. HARVARD: *St. Augustine’s Early Theory of Man, A.D.386–391 by P. J. O’Connell. HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON: Jewish Philosophy in Modern Times by N. Rotenstreich. LIPPINCOTT: Meditation: The Inward Art by B. Smith, The Couch and the Altar by D. A. Redding, and Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language by J. A. Sanford. MACMILLAN: Facing the Next Day by J. A. Pike, Faith and Theology by M. D. Chenu, Revelation as History by W. Pannenberg, Process Thought and the Christian Faith by N. Pittenger, and Philosophy Today No. 1 by J. H. Gill. PRINCETON: Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist by W. Kaufmann and The Mystic Vision edited by J. Campbell. SCRIBNERS: American Philosophy and the Future: Essays for a New Generation edited by Michael Novak and Integral Humanism by J. Maritain. TRIDENT: The Struggle of the Unbeliever by J. J. Kavanaugh. ZONDERVAN: Living on the Growing Edge by B. Larson, God’s Will by A. Gesswein, and Black and Free by T. Skinner.
AUGSBURG: Uncovering Bible Times by M. T. Gilbertson. DOUBLEDAY: Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan by W. F. Albright. FORTRESS: *Land of Christ by A. Parrot and Egypt and the Bible by P. Montet. HARVARD: The Samaritan Pentateuch and the Origin of the Samaritan Sect by J. D. Purvis. MORROW: *From the Beginning: Archaeology and Art in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem by K. Katz, P. Kahane, and M. Broshi.
BIBLICAL STUDIES, GENERALABINGDON: Biblical Truth and Modern Man by B. D. Rahtjen. BAKER: Topical Dictionary of Bible Texts by J. Inglish. BEACON: *Beacon Bible Commentary, Vol. 8, by W. Greathouse, D. Metz, and F. Carver. CAMBRIDGE: The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 2, edited by G. W. H. Lampe and Words and Meanings edited by P. R. Ackroyd and B. Lindars. EERDMANS: Scripture Union Bible Study Books.HARPER & Row: * Illustrated Family Encyclopedia of the Living Bible.HARVARD: Catalogue of Hebrew Books (6 volumes). HELICON: Abba, Father and The Christian, A New Creature (Vols. 7 and 8 of “The Living Word” series) edited by G. S. Sloyan. KREGAL: The Bible Digest by C. W. Slemming. MOODY: A General Introduction to the Bible by N. L. Geisler and W. E. Nix, Can I Trust the Bible? edited by H. F. Vos, and Christ: The Theme of the Bible by N. L. Geisler. PRENTICE-HALL: *The Jerome Biblical Commentary, Vols. 1 and 2, edited by Brown, Fitzmyer, and Murphy. SCRIBNERS: The Growth of the Biblical Tradition: The Form-Critical Method by K. Koch. SCRIPTURE PRESS: *The Bible and Tomorrow’s News by C. C. Ryrie. SEABURY: *The Kingdom of God and Primitive Christianity by A. Schweitzer. STANDARD: The Very Best Book of All by F. Flournoy. WESTMINSTER: Jesus and the Historian by F.T. Trotter and The Book of Books by K. Koch. ZONDERVAN: *The Zondervan Expanded Concordance, Cruden’s Compact Concordance by A. Cruden, Fausset’s Bible Dictionary by A. R. Fausset, and The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary by M. C. Tenney.
ALLYN & BACON: God’s Word to Israel by J. Jensen. BAKER: Christian Living from Isaiah by F. M. Bennett, Israel and the Bible by W. Hendriksen, Among the Prophets: Amos by J. K. Howard, Exposition of Isaiah 1–39 by H. C. Leupold, The Book of Nehemiah by R.G. Turnbull, and The Book of Isaiah by C. T. Francisco. BROADMAN: God Reigns: Expository Studies in the Prophecy of Isaiah by J. L. Green, Renewals Before Pentecost by C. E. Autrey, and Judgment and Redemption in Isaiah by P. H. Kelley. EERDMANS: *Introduction to the Old Testament by R.K. Harrison and Isaiah, Vol. 3, by E. Young. FORTRESS: Abraham and His Times by A. Parrot, and Men of the Old Testament by R. Rendtorff. HARPER & Row: The Prophets Speak by S. J. Schultz. JOHN KNOX: Tradition for Crisis: A Study in Hosea by W. Brueggemann. LOIZEAUX: *Daniel by L. Strauss. MOODY: An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets by H. E. Freeman. OXFORD: The Hebrew Kingdom by E. W. Heaton: WESTMINSTER: Exile and Restoration by P. R. Ackroyd. WORLD: Prophetic Voices of the Bible by H. Staack.
ABINGDON: The Lord’s Prayer in Its Biblical Setting by C. M. Laymon. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY: *The New Testament in Greek and English.BAKER: An Exposition of the Gospel of John by H. H. Hobbs, Tests of Life (I John) by R. Law, The Apostle Paul: His Life and Work by O. E. Moe, and Self-Interpreting New Testament by A. S. Johnson. BROADMAN: Saved Forever! by M.L. Bates. CAMBRIDGE: John the Baptist in the Gospel Tradition by W. Wink. DOUBLEDAY: More Light on the Gospel by G. M. Lamsa and Life of Jesus by W. String fellow and A. Towne. EERDMANS: A Short Life of Christ by E. F. Harrison, More New Testament Studies by C. H. Dodd, and The Second Epistle of Peter and the General Epistle of Jude by M. Green. FORTRESS: The New Testament Era by B. Reicke, The Testament of Jesus by E. Käsemann, and The School of St. Matthew and Its Use of the Old Testament by K. Stendahl. HARPER & Row: The New Testament Speaks by G. W. Barker, W. L. Lane, and J. R. Michaels and The Gospel According to St. John by J. N. Sanders. JOHN KNOX: Soli Deo Gloria edited by J. M. Richards. JUDSON: The Layman’s Introduction to the New Testament by C.H. Morgan and Rediscovering the Book of Revelation by B. M. Newman. KREGAL: Hebrews, The Epistle of Warning by J. Owen. LIPPINCOTT: Learning to Live from the Gospels by E. Price. MCGILL: Ephesians, Baptism and Pentecost by J. C. Kirby. MOODY: Second Corinthians by G. C. Luck. REVELL: The Birth of the Church by G. C. Morgan. SWEET: The Living Word Commentary: Thessalonians by R. C. Kelcy, Romans by R. Batey, James by J. Zink, and Philippians by P. E. Harrell. TYNDALE: Tune In (paraphrased Gospel of John for teens) and Parallel New Testament (King James Version and Living New Testament). WESTMINSTER: The Gospel-Perspective On Jesus Christ by D. T. Rowlingson. WORD: The Secret Sayings of the Living Jesus by R. Summers.
AUGSBURG: Messengers of the King by D.C. Hill. DOUBLEDAY: *The Other Side by J. A. Pike with D. Kennedy. HARVARD: Jonathan Edwards: The Narrative of a Puritan Mind by E. H. Davidson. JUDSON: *Return to the World by L. Baulch. LIPPINCOTT: Affectionately, T. S. Eliot by W. T. Levy and V. Scherle. MORROW: The Progress of the Soul: The Interior Career of John Donne by R. E. Hughes. OXFORD: *John Knox by J. Ridley. PRINCETON: John Hus by M. Spinka. REVELL: Then Sings My Soul by G. B. Shea and God Has a Plan for You by H. J. Taylor. SCRIBNERS: Erasmus of Christendom by H. Bainton. WARNER: *God Is Fabulous by F. E. Gardner. WORD: My Greatest Challenge by B. Glass and New Singer, New Song by D. Winter. ZONDERVAN: Black and Free by T. Skinner.
CAMBRIDGE: The Great Church in Captivity by S. Runciman. COLUMBIA: Peter in Rome by D. W. O’Connor. CORPUS: *Absolutely Null and Utterly Void by J. J. Hughes. EERDMANS: The History of the Spread of Christianity: A Bibliographical Survey by K. S. Latourette and The Great Light: Luther and the Reformation by J. Atkinson. FORTRESS: Word of God and Tradition by G. Ebeling and Interpreters of Luther edited by J. Pelikan. HARPER & Row: The Centering Moment by H. Thurman. SEABURY: The Church and the Body Politic by F. H. Littell. SWEET: Divorce and Remarriage in the Early Church by P. E. Harrell.
ABINGDON: The Beatitudes by G. A. Buttrick. AUGSBURG: Advent Chain of Stars by H. Martin. BROADMAN: Devotional Talks on Everyday Objects by R. J. Hastings and This Confident Faith by M. Markham. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: *Love Not the World by W. Nee. CONCORDIA: The Gospel of John for Today by T. Coates. CORPUS: Man Yearning for Grace by J. Wicks and The Prayers of the New Testament by D. Coggan. DOUBLEDAY: I’ve Got to Talk to Somebody, God by M. Holmes. LOIZEAUX: Living Wisely: Devotional Studies on the First Epistle to the Corinthians by J. A. Blair. MOODY: Look Unto the Hills by V. R. Edman. WORD: The Liberty of Obedience by E. Elliot, Seekers After Mature Faith by E. G. Hinson, and Release From Phoniness by A. Prater.
DRAMA, FICTION, POETRYBAKER: See That Holy Child by S. Bergsma. COLUMBIA: Religious Trends in English Poetry, Vol. VI: 1920–1965 by H. N. Fairchild. EERDMANS: The Silver Trumpet by O. Barfield, The Tent of God by M. Radius, and Ingmar Bergman and the Search For Meaning by J. Gill. FORTRESS: *The Drowning, The Dancing by J. Nilssen. KNOPF: Herod and Mariamne by P. Lagerkvist. JOHN KNOX: Joe Doakes’ Great Quest by F. O. Alexander. MOODY: Beyond the Night by B. Swinford. MORROW: Sacred and Profane by D. Weiss. REVELL: *I Saw Gooley Fly by J. Bayly. STANDARD: Playlets and Skits For Youth Groups, Rallies, Camps.WESTMINSTER: The First Christian Drama by J. W. Bowman. WORD: The Adjustable Halo by K. Anderson. ZONDERVAN: It’s Always Too Soon to Quit by M. Larson.
BROADMAN: Bible Festivals and Holy Days by B. Bates. DOUBLEDAY: All Believers Are Brothers edited by R. Gammon. HARCOURT, BRACE & WORLD: Conversations: Christian and Buddhist by D. A. Graham. HARPER & Row: Furnace of the Lord by E. Elliot. HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON: *Priests For Tomorrow by R. J. Bunnik. HERDER & HERDER: The Credibility of the Church Today: A Reply to Charles Davis by G. Baum. JUDSON: Protestants, Catholics, and Mary by S. Benko and Ecumenism—Free Church Dilemma by R. Torbet. LIPPINCOTT: The Pagan Church by R. E. Dodge. MCKAY: *The Catholic Revolution by D. J. Roche. MACMILLAN: Marxism and Christianity by G. Girardi. OXFORD: Christianity in World Perspective by K. Cragg. SEABURY: Tomorrow’s Church by P. Day. WESTMINSTER: Religions of the East by J. M. Kitagawa, New Directions in Theology Today: Volume IV—The Church by C. W. Williams, and Icon and Pulpit: The Protestant—Orthodox Encounter by C. S. Calian.
ABINGDON: Guaranteed Annual Income: The Moral Issues by P. Wogaman and The Manipulator and the Church by M. D. Dunnam, G. J. Herbertson, and E. L. Shostrom. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: *Hang Tough by J. C. Bonner. BRUCE: City with a Chance by F. Aukofer and To Hell with the Kids by V. K. Gruhlke. CORPUS: Non-Violent Direct Action edited by A. P. Hare and H. H. Blumberg. DOUBLEDAY: The New Immorality by B. R. Walker, The Gathering Storm in the Churches by J. K. Hadden, The Last Years of the Church by D. Poling, and The Next Three Million? by G. Lawrence. EERDMANS: American Catholics and Vietnam by T. E. Quigley, The Citizen and the John Birch Society by L. DeKoster, and The Christian and the Nations by A. M. Donner. FORTRESS: Hippies in Our Midst by D. L. Earisman. GOOD NEWS: *Sex Through the Looking Glass by L. Dolphin. HARPER & Row: Parables of Peanuts by R. Short, Christ and the Moral Life by J. M. Gustafson, and Environmental Man by W. Kuhns. HELICON: *Man and Evolution by R. T. Francoeur. HERALD: *The Christian and Revolution by M. Gingerich. HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON: The Politics of the Gospel by J. M. Paupert. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN: Religion in America, Vol. 12, edited by W. McLoughlin and R. N. Bellah and Religion and Public Education edited by T. R. Sizer. JOHN KNOX: The Religion Business by A. Balk and The Now Generation by D. C. Benson. LIPPINCOTT: The Religious Community and the Secular State by K. Westhues and The Pagan Church by R. Dodge. MACMILLAN: They Call Us Dead Men by D. Berrigan, The Morality Gap by P. H. Furfey, and Elements for a Social Ethic by G. Winter. MOODY: A Reader’s Guide to Religious Literature by B. Batson and For This Time by H. O. Jones. PAULIST: Sex and the New Morality by F. C. Wood, Jr. QUADRANGLE: Understanding Negro History edited by D. W. Hoover. REVELL: Tough Love by B. Milliken and Debs, Dolls and Dope by J. Benton. ST. THOMAS: Poison Drops in the Federal Senate—The School Question from a Parental and Non-Sectarian Standpoint by Z. Montgomery. SCRIBNERS: Norm and Context in Christian Ethics edited by G. H. Outka and P. Ramsey, The Just War by P. Ramsey, The Religious Experience of Mankind by N. Smart, and The Judgment of the Dead by S. G. F. Brandon. SEABURY: Cant You Hear Me Calling? by L. Carter, The Morality of Abortion by C. C. Means, Jr., and Is Anybody Listening to Black America? edited by C. E. Lincoln. SHEED & WARD: The Citizen Christian by J. F. Andrews. TYNDALE: Riots in the Streets by R. Wolff. UNITED: Inside the Outside by J. M. Lichliter. WESTMINSTER: Power Where the Action Is by H. Seifert, Radical Christianity and Its Sources by J. C. Cooper, Society Against Itself by G. H. Crowell, *Should Churches Be Taxed? by D. B. Robertson, and War and Conscience in America by E. L. Long, Jr.
BAKER: Minister’s Funeral Manual by S. W. Hutton and Sixteen Days on the Church Calendar by C. Miller. DOUBLEDAY: The Worship of Israel: A Reassessment by W. Harrelson. FORTRESS: Organ and Choir in Protestant Worship by E. Liemohn. HELICON: The Underground Mass Book edited by S. McNierney. STANDARD: God Is Everywhere by S. F. Martin. WESTMINSTER: A Commentary on the Confession of 1967 and an Introduction to the Book of Confessions by A. Dowey.
AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY: Multiplying the Loaves by G. H. Wolfensberger. AUGSBURG: Promoting Your Church Library by M. S. Johnson. BROADMAN: The Power of Positive Evangelism by J. R. Bisagno and Our Church in the Crusade of the Americas by W. Dehoney. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: The God Who Answers by Fire by M. Cleator, Reluctant Missionary by E. Buxton, and Making of a Missionary by D. Sargent. DOUBLEDAY: The Missionary Between the Times by R. P. Beaver. EERDMANS: Second Fronts in Metropolitan Mission by G. Fackre and The Development of Christianity in Latin Caribbean by J. L. Gonzales, Jr. FORTRESS: A Man for Us and A God for Us by F. G. Downing. HARPER & Row: Out of the African Night by W. D. Reyburn and God Speaks Navajo by E. E. Wallis. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN: China—The Remembered Life by P. Frillmann. JOHN KNOX: Soka Gakkai by N. S. Brannen. JUDSON: American Baptists—Whence and Whither by N. H. Maring and Tuned-In Christians by J. J. Savory. SHEED & WARD: The Black Messiah by A. B. Cleage, Jr. WORD: Relevance by R. C. Halverson, Him We Declare by Bardsley and Purcell, Witnessing Laymen Make Living Churches by C. Monro and W. S. Taegel, and Faith for a Secular World by M. Augsburger, ZONDERVAN: Peril by Choice by J. C. Hefley.
BAKER: The Preacher: His Life and Work by J. H. Jowett. BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS: *Preaching to Modern Man by F. Pack and P. Meador. BRUCE: *Priesthood in Crisis by J. J. Blomjous. EERDMANS: The Church: An Organic Picture of Its Life and Mission by R. Brow. FORTRESS: The Christian in Modern Style by H. E. Horn. HARPER & Row: To Walk the Earth Like Men by W. S. Coffin, Jr., Do You Want to Be Healed? by J. S. Bonnell, and A Place For You by P. Tournier. HERALD: Worship as the Celebration of Covenant and Incarnation by A. Beachy. HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON: IS It I, Lord? by A. Uleyn. JUDSON: The Church Business Meeting by R. D. Merrill. LIPPINCOTT: Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language by J. A. Sanford and The Couch and the Altar by D. A. Redding. REVELL: Christians HaveTroubles, Too by H. Brandt and H. E. Dowdy. UNITED CHURCH PRESS: Secular Impact by G. Fackre. WARNER: Just Across the Street by D. Oldham. WESTMINSTER: A Pastoral Counseling Casebook by C. K. Aldrich and C. Nighswonger and The Preaching Event by W. L. Malcomson.
ABINGDON: Communication-Learning for Churchmen, Vol. 1, edited by B. F. Jackson, Jr. BEACON HILL: Audiovisual Tools in the Church by L. E. Wesche and M. Shroeder. CONCORDIA: God, Sex and Youth by W. E. Hulme. FORTRESS: Leading a Church School by R. D. Heim, The Church’s Faith by R. Prenter, and I Believe by H. Thielicke. HERALD: Reshaping the Teaching Ministry by P. M. Dederach. JUDSON: New Ways in Worship for Youth by J. E. Brown, *Team Teaching with the Scotts and Bartons by J. Holcomb, and Exceptional Children: A Special Ministry by C. L. Martin and J. T. Travis. MOODY: *Christian Youth: An In-Depth Study by R. B. Zuck and G. A. Getz. WARNER: Basics for Teaching in the Church by T.F. Miller et al.ZONDERVAN: Sex and the Single Eye by L. Scanzoni.
ABINGDON: Meditations for Communion Services by W. L. Lumpkin. BAKER: Silent Saturday by R. E. Allen. BIBLICAL RESEARCH PRESS: Sermons of Reuel Lemmons.EERDMANS: Virginia Woolf Meets Charlie Brown by D. H. C. Read. FORTRESS: Tradition and Life in the Church by H. von Campenhausen. WORD: Preaching from Great Bible Chapters by K. Yates.
ABINGDON: Outline of Christian Belief by C. S. Duthie and From Science to Theology by G. Crespy. AUGSBURG: The Augsburg Confession by G. W. Forell, *Introduction to the Theology of Rudolf Bultmann by W. Schmithals, The Christian Witness in a Secular Age by D. G. Bloesch, and The Law-Gospel Debate by G. O. Forde. BAKER: *Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature by J. McClintock and J. Strong, The Canons of Dort by H. Petersen, and The Biblical Basis for Infant Baptism by D. H. Small. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: Finney’s Lectures on Theology by C. G. Finney. BRUCE: Changing Face of Theology by P. Fannon. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: The Person of Christ by H. B. Bonsall and The Question of Healing edited by G. W. Kirby. CONCORDIA: Worship in the Name of Jesus by P. Brunner, Justification of the Ungodly by W. Dantine, and Gospel of Baptism by R. Jungkuntz. EERDMANS: Life in One’s Stride by K. Hamilton. FORTRESS: A Man for Us and a God for Us by F.G. Downing and Christian Theology and Metaphysics by P. R. Baelz. HARPER & Row: Faith and Understanding by R. Bultmann, The Search for a Usable Future by M. E. Marty, and Do We Need the Church? by R. P. McBrien. JOHN KNOX: Secularization and the University by H. E. Smith and The Beginnings of Dialectic Theology, Vol. 1, edited by J. M. Robinson. KREGAL: *Demon Possession by J. L. Nevius. OXFORD: The Cambridge Platonists by G.R. Cragg. PAULIST: Word and Mystery: Biblical Essays on the Person and Mission of Christ by L. J. O’Donovan. SCRIBNERS: Systematic Theology: A Historicist Perspective by G. Kaufman. SEABURY: Pastoral Implications of Biblical Theology by S. Lawton. SHEED&WARD: *IS the Last Supper Finished? by A. A. Vogel, The Cosmic Christ by G. A. Maloney, and Credibility and the Church by H. Küng. VANDERBILT: *The Freedom of Man in Myth by K. W. Bolle. WESTMINSTER: Jesus and Ethics: Four Interpretations by R. H. Hiers.