Many months ago former editor Carl F. H. Henry in conjunction with the Christian Medical Society arranged for a symposium on contraception and abortion. The symposium convened the last week of August in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and included in its roster theologians, physicians, and sociologists who addressed themselves to the major questions and worked out, at least tentatively, some biblical and timely answers.
In this issue of CHRISTIANITY TODAY we publish in condensed form some of the papers delivered at the symposium. None of the material is available for reprint without the permission of the Christian Medical Society. All of the papers as well as the Declaration (which we are also publishing) will under the imprint of Tyndale House Publishers, which has distributed millions of copies of Living Letters.
The readers of CHRISTIANITY TODAY are urged to peruse the material thoughtfully and critically, and to regard the effort as an introductory rather than a final one. Because the issues are significant and the opinions varied, we expect to receive a heavy mail and we welcome all letters. Insofar as space permits we will share the reader response through the Letters to the Editor column. So, if you have anything to say, be sure to write—tersely and succinctly! appear in book form next spring