On May 1 the Rev. Russell Chandler, a Presbyterian, joined our staff as news editor. His coming made me start counting denominational representation in our ranks, and I quickly discovered that we have an ecumenical movement in microcosm. Among us there are Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, Brethren, Christian and Missionary Alliance, and others. First of all we are Christian; then we are Baptists, Lutherans, and so on. The regular morning fellowship of Bible study and prayer for all staff members starts the day off on the right note. The days go by more quickly and the work is done more easily. Time spent in the Word of God and prayer is not wasted time.
The current issue should provoke good interest and much response from our readers. In it is material about Israel; with the current and continuing military activity, the Christian, with special biblical concerns, cannot help being interested, nor can he avoid asking whether present events presage the second coming of Christ. Dr. Walters speaks authoritatively as a psychiatrist and a Christian about maturity. The essay on conscience hits the raw nerve of the debate over such matters as law and order and civil disobedience. Mr. Hillis’s essay strikes a missionary note and projects us into the middle of the Chinese world and the pressing obligation of the Church to a quarter of the world’s population that desperately needs the Gospel.