We welcome to our pages Sherwood Wirt, the distinguished editor of Decision magazine. As outgoing president of the Evangelical Press Association he recently delivered the address which we here share with our readers in the hope that it will stimulate them to take an active part in spreading the Gospel through the printed page.
A reader sent a check asking us to reprint and make available the lead editorial entitled “Confronting the Drug Peril,” which appeared in the April 24 issue. We will be happy to fill requests for copies of this in tract form as long as the supply lasts. Normally we do not reprint editorials, but when a subscriber sends a gift for that purpose we cannot resist!
I am deeply troubled by the rising anarchy in America and around the world. It almost seems as though God may be visiting divine judgment upon our nation. If so, the prayers of God’s people are not in themselves enough. Prayer must be accompanied by deep and genuine repentance, as well as a mending of our ways and any restitution that our situation requires. There is no better place for this to start than in the churches, but they do not seem to be ready for an awakening or concerned enough to give it number-one priority. It’s about time we did!