Here, once again, is the fall book forecast, a preview of volumes to be issued by publishers within the next few months. No attempt has been made to evaluate the books because only the titles are now available to us. An asterisk indicates titles that the publishers considered especially significant. A (p) following the author’s name indicates that the book is appearing in paperback or that a worthwhile title that has been in hardback is now coming out in paperback. Out-of-print books that are being reissued may also be listed.
PRAEGER:The Great Church of the Middle Ages by P. Kidson. YALE UNIVERSITY:The Craft of Dying by N. Lee Beaty.
BAKER:Science and the Bible by B. Davidheiser and Christian Philosophy in the Twentieth Century by A. F. Holmes (p). BETHANY FELLOWSHIP:The Puzzle of Seventh Day Adventism and Questions in the Cults by W. Martin and Suicide of Christian Theology by J. W. Montgomery. CONCORDIA:Genes, Genesis, and Evolution by J. W. Klotz. EERDMANS: *God in the Dock by C. S. Lewis and Apologetics by J. K. S. Reid (p). GOOD NEWS: *Witchcraft, Warlocks, Astrology, Demons by L. Dolphin, Jr. (p). HARPER & Row: Quattlebaum’s Truth by M. Gross. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON:Bodies in Revolt by T. L. Hanna. INTER-VARSITY:Teilhard de Chardin: An Analysis and Assessment by D. G. Jones. LIPPINCOTT:The Promise of Teilhard by P. Hefner and The Promise of Reinhold Niebuhr by G. Fackre. MOODY:The Future Life by R. Pache (p) and Set Forth Your Case (p) and Sola Scriptura by C. Pinnock. PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY:The Creation of Death and Life by R. H. King. SCRIBNERS:Existence and Love by W. Sadler, Jr. (p), and Insearch: Psychology and Religion by J. Hillman. WESTMINSTER:The Strange Silence of the Bible in the Church by J. D. Smart (p) and God, Why Did You Do That? by F. Sontag. ZONDERVAN: * Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity by J. N. Moore and H. Slusher, Science Returns to God by J. H. Jauncey (p), and Encounter in a Non Christian Era by J. B. Sanderson.
BETHANY FELLOWSHIP: *The Search for Noah’s Ark by J. W. Montgomery. GOOD NEWS: *Noah’s Ark by P. Dumas. MOODY: *Man and His Culture by R. L. Harris.
EERDMANS:Hosea and Malachi by J. B. Taylor (p) and Matthew by F. F. Bruce (p). HERALD:Greek Verbal Parsing by E. S. Han. MOODY:I and II Peter by I. L. Jensen (p), Galations by H. F. Vos, and Thessalonian Epistles by D. E. Hiebert (p). PRENTICE-HALL:History of the Pentateuch by B. Anderson. SCRIBNERS:Dictionary of Comparative Religion edited by S. G. F. Brandon. TYNDALE:I and II Thessalonians by R. Wolff. WESTMINSTER:*The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible edited by H. S. Gehman. ZONDERVAN:Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah by J. A. Alexander, Revelation: An Exposition by D. G. Barnhouse, Concordance to the Septuagint, The World on Trial—Romans by R. DeHan, Greek New Testament Slidaverb Conjugation Chart by D. A. Peterson, An Exposition of Daniel, Volume 2, by W. A. Criswell, I Corinthians by F. Godet, I, II, III John by W. C. Vaughan, and The Epistles of John by W. E. Vine (p).
ABINGDON:International Lesson Annual, 1971 edited by H. R. Weaver, The Shape of the Gospel by M.R. Abbey, Young Readers Book of Bible Stories by H. Doss, and From the Apple to the Moon by A. Vallotton. BAKER:The Summarized Bible by K. L. Brooks. EERDMANS:Words and the Word by K. Hamilton (p). GOSPEL LIGHT:What’s God Been Doing All this Time? by D. Hubbard (p). HERDER AND HERDER:The Bible: History and Culture of a People by E. Lessing. INTER-VARSITY:The Book That Speaks for Itself by R. M. Horn. LIPPINCOTT:Revolt Against the Faithful: A Biblical Case for Inspiration as Encounter by R.S. Alley. WARNER:Tools for Bible Study by G. Ramsey, Sr. YALE UNIVERSITY: *The Pamplona Bibles by F. Bucher. ZONDERVAN:Does God Still Guide? by J. S. Baxter, Word Pictures from the Bible by E. M. Blaiklock, All the Animals of the Bible Lands by G. S. Cansdale, All the Children of the Bible by H. Lockyer, and Design for Discipleship by J. D. Pentecost.
BAKER:The Birth of a Kingdom, Studies in I and II Samuel and I Kings by J. Davis, The Book of Isaiah by C. T. Francisco (p), and Ezekiel, Prophecy of Hope by A. W. Blackwood. DOUBLEDAY:Readings from the Old Testament by M. H. Bro and Esther by C. Moore. FORTRESS:The Covenant Formulary: In Old Testament, Jewish, and Early Christian Writings by K. Baltzer. HERALD:Biblical Theology, Volume 1, by C. K. Lehman. KREGEL:Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament (Genesis-Exodus) by B. George Ricker and *Christology of the Old Testament and the Commentary on the Messianic Prediction by E. W. Hengstenberg. LOIZEAUX:Living Courageously: A Devotional Study of the Book of Daniel by J. Allen Blair (p). MOODY:Daniel: The Key to Bible Prophecy by J. F. Walvoord. TYNDALE:Living History of Israel by K. Taylor. WESTMINSTER:Ezekiel, A Commentary by W. Eichrodt. ZONDERVAN:A Survey of Israel’s History by L. Wood.
BAKER:Better Living Through Christ: Studies in the Book of Hebrews by J. H. Schaal (p). BEACON HILL:The Apostles in Action by J. B. Bryan (p) and My Lord, the Carpenter by Etta Nommensen (p). CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY:The Spirit-Paraclete in the Gospel of John by G. Johnston and Johannine Christology and the Early Church by T. E. Pollard. DOUBLEDAY:A Reader’s Introduction to the New Testament by A. H. Leitch, New Testament History by F. F. Bruce, Life of Jesus by W. Stringfellow and A. Towne, and Matthew by W. F. Albright and C. S. Mann. EERDMANS:Apostolic History and the Gospel by W. Ward Gasque and R. P. Martin. FORTRESS:Reimarus: Fragments edited by C. Talbert (p) and The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth by W. Marxsen. HARPER & Row: Jesus and the Revolutionaries by O. Cullmann, Was Jesus Married? by W. A. Phipps, Paul by G. Bornkamm, and Passionate Apostle by R. L. Rubenstein. HERDER AND HERDER:In Hope of God’s Glory by C. H. Giblin. INTER-VARSITY:The Tests of Faith by J. A. Motyer. KREGEL:The Training of the Twelve by A. B. Bruce. LIPPINCOTT:Learning to Live from the Acts by E. Price. LOIZEAUX:The Epistle to the Hebrews: From Ritual to Reality by W. MacDonald. SCRIBNERS:Execution of Jesus by W. Wilson. TIDINGS:A Study Guide on the Teachings of Jesus by M. Stokes (p). WESTMINSTER:God’s Young Church (p) and And Jesus Said (p) by W. Barclay and The Gospel of John, A Commentary by R. Bultmann. ZONDERVAN:A Shorter Life of Christ by D. Guthrie (p), Trial and Death of Jesus Christ by J. Stalker (p), and The Layman’s Parallel New Testament (KJV, RSV, Amplified, Living New Testament).
BAKER: *Wandering Wheels by J. Houston and *Raw Edge of Courage by L. Thompson. BANNER OF TRUTH TRUST: *George Whitefield by A. Dallimore. DOUBLEDAY:My Story by O. Roberts with W. A. Robinson, *Born to Lose, Bound to Win by A. A. Allen with W. Wagner, and A Second Birthday by W. Stringfellow. FORTRESS:Coretta: The Story of Mrs. Martin Luther King, Jr., by O. Vivian. HARCOURT, BRACE AND WORLD:Luther by R. Friedenthal. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN: *A Hidden Wholeness: The Visual World of Thomas Merton by J. Howard Griffin and T. Merton. SEABURY:The Alphabet of Grace by F. Beuchner. SHEED AND WARD:The Jewish Jesus by R. Aron. TYNDALE:Unhurried Chase by B. Carlson and I Talked with Spirits by V. Ernest. ZONDERVAN:Shadow of the Almighty by E. Elliot (p), Pulpit in the Shadows by F. Gage (p), Please Don’t Strike That Match! by F. Johnston, His Stubborn Love by J. Landorf, Mamma Was a Missionary by C. Ludwig (p), Another Hand On Mine by W. J. Peterson (p), and Black and Free by T. Skinner (p).
ABINGDON:The Organization of the United Methodist Church by J. M. Tuell. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY:The Mission of the Church and the Propagation of the Faith edited by G. J. Cuming. CONCORDIA:The Church in a Changing World by M. Fousek. DIAL:Luther at Worms by J. Pelikan and The Albigensian Crusade by J. R. Strayer. DOUBLEDAY:The Myth of Christian Beginnings: History’s Impact on Belief by R. L. Wilken, Organizing to Beat the Devil: Methodism in the Making of America by C. W. Ferguson, and The Last Days of Luther by M. Ebon. EERDMANS:The Spirit of the Reformed Tradition by M. Eugene Osterhaven. FORTRESS:The Christian in Society IV, Volume 47: Luther’s Works edited by F. Sherman, Saints and Sinners: Men and Ideas in the Early Church by K. Aland (p), and The Religion of the Republic edited by E. A. Smith. HARPER & Row: The Big Little School by R. W. Lynn and E. Wright. HERDER AND HERDER:Church History in Future Perspective edited by R. Aubert. JOHN KNOX:Reformation Views of Church History by G. Williams. MOODY:Historic Patterns of Church Growth by H. R. Cook. PRENTICE-HALL:Historical Protestantism:—A Historical Introduction to Protestant Theology by W. Scott. YALE UNIVERSITY:The Evangelical Mind and the New School Presbyterian Experience by G. M. Marsden. ZONDERVAN:Story of the Christian Church by J. L. Hurlbut and A History of the Expansion of Christianity, seven volumes, by K. S. Latourette (p).
ABINGDON:Advent: A Calendar of Devotions, 1970 by D. F. Nyberg and Calendar of Faith and Flowers by R. Ikerman. BAKER:Dynamic Devotionals for Men by W. J. Krutza and The Adventiure of Becoming Parents by L. O. Caldwell. BEACON HILL:Every Day with the Psalms by M. Taylor. BETHANY FELLOWSHIP:Like a Dove Descending by I. Macpherson. CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE: *Marching Orders for the End Battle by C. Ten Boom (p), Pray in the Spirit by A. Wallis (p), and Invasion of Wales by the Spirit by J. A. Stewart (p). CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS: *God Tells a Man Who Cares by A. W. Tozer. CONCORDIA:It’s Me, O Lord by A. Springsteen and Lutheran Book of Prayer.DOUBLEDAY:Who Am I, God? by M. Holmes. EERDMANS:First Book of Daily Readings by M. Lloyd Jones (p) and Christopher Fry by S. Wiersma. FORTRESS:City and Country by H. and M. Brokering and Prayers: Alone/Together by S. Kloss. GOSPEL LIGHT:The Listener by H. S. Vigeveno (p). HARPER & Row: Begin a New Life by H. H. Bro, The Future of the Christian by E. Trueblood, and Our Many Selves by E. O’Connor. HERALD: *Now Is the Time to Love by J. M. Drescher, The House by the Side of the Road by H. G. Brenneman, and *Meditations of a Modern Disciple by J. M. Drescher. HERDER AND HERDER:Our Prayer by L. Evely, We Are Future by L. Boros, and Reflections by C. Rivers. INTER-VARSITY: Ten Great Freedoms by E. Long. TIDINGS:Nearby by H. Kohn (p). TYNDALE:Out of My Mind by J. Bayly and Bride’s Book of Ideas by M. Palmer and E. Bowman. WARNER:Get the Message? by D. Harman and I’ll Walk Tomorrow! by R. Winter. ZONDERVAN:Alone at High Noon by E. Cailliet, Still Higher for His Highest by O. Chambers, Our Daily Walk by F. B. Meyer (p), and A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. P. Keller.
BIBLICAL RESEARCH:Hodge Podge by C. B. Hodge. EERDMANS:William Faulkner by M. Jarrett-Kerr (p), Marching Orders by O. Hartman (p), The Blue Mountains of China by R. Wiebe (p), Celebration by T. J. Carlisle, John Steinbeck by J. C. Pratt (p), and Ezra Pound by M. Montgomery. FORTRESS:“What Are We Going to Do with All These Rotting Fish?” and Seven Other Short Plays for Church and Community edited by N. Habel (p). GOOD NEWS:Intrigue in the High Court by T. Parks (p). GOSPEL LIGHT:Kid Stuff by E. Doan (p). HARPER & Row: The Rainbow Box by J. Pintauro and N. Laliberte. HERALD:Freedom from Bondageby A. Armour (p), The Sons of Adam by O. Eby, Strong Tower by M. Wall, The Broken Chalice by M. S. Augsburger, Anita’s Choice and Christmas for Holly by D. Hamilton, The Beggar’s Bible by L. A. Vernon, and Broken Barriers by O. Winger. HERDER AND HERDER:Prayers, Poems and Songs by H. Oosterhuis. JOHN KNOX:For Magi, Shepherds, and Us by A. H. Carter and R. O. Hodgell. LIPPINCOTT: *Monk Dawson by P. P. Read. SEABURY:God at Large by C. Walsh and The Way of the Wolf by M. Bell. SHEED AND WARD:The Theatre of Pilgrimage by E. Ferlita. WESTMINSTER:The Weight of a Leaf by M. Scovel. ZONDERVAN:Dimensions of Christian Writing by A. D. Bell and J. Merill (p), Inspiring Poems edited by C. B. Eavey (p), Red Like Mine by Y. Lehmann, Behold a Pale Horse by J. Musser, A House Full of Strangers by E. Mitson, God, I Like You by S. E. Wirt and C. Anderson, and In His Steps by C. Sheldon.
DOUBLEDAY: *Protestant Power and the Coming Revolution by W. Oursler and The New Religions by J. Needleman. EERDMANS:Where Are We Headed? by J. Lever. FORTRESS:Beyond Hatred edited by G. Moir. INTER-VARSITY:Christ and Comparative Religion by J. N. D. Anderson. MCGILL-QUEENS UNIVERSITY:Essays on Islam and on Comparative Religion by W. C. Smith. SCRIBNERS:“I and Thou”: A New Translation by W. Kaufmann. WESTMINSTER:Buddhism in Transition by D. K. Swearer (p) and Bishops and People edited by L. and A. Swidler.
ABINGDON:Look at the Family Now by H. G. Werner, *The Christian Response to the Sexual Revolution by D. R. Mace, Ethics and the New Medicine by H. L. Smith, The Academic Mysteryhouse by R. M. Holmes, Community Mental Health edited by H. J. Clinebell, Jr., A Society Ordained by God by J. T. Johnson, and Karl Barth and the Problem of War by J. H. Yoder. BAKER:Teeth on Edge by R. O. Fife (p) and Holy Triangle by J. Nederhood (p). BETHANY FELLOWSHIP:The Christian Family by L. Christenson and Christianity for the Tough Minded by J. W. Montgomery. CONCORDIA: *The Christian Encounters Drugs and Drug Abuse by J. Cassens. DIAL:The Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America by M. E. Marty. EERDMANS:For Blacks Only by S. Tucker and Culture of Poverty by A. Winter (p). FORTRESS:Adam’s Fractured Rib by M. Ermarth (p) and Celluloid and Symbols edited by J. C. Cooper and C. Skrade. HARPER & Row: Buddhism and Society by M. E. Spiro, Vedanta by C. Johnson, Nun … Witch … Playmate by H. W. Richardson, Political Expectation by P. Tillich, Responsible Freedom by L. H. DeWolf, and Rapping and Tripping by A. Rose. HERALD:The City by V. Miller (p). HERDER AND HERDER:Dimensions of Spirituality edited by C. Duquoc. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON:The Golden Core of Religion by A. Skutch. INTER-VARSITY:Please Help Me! Please Love Me!: A Christian View of Contraception by W. Trobisch, *Modern Art and the Death of a Culture by H. R. Rookmaaker, and *Your God Is Too White by C. Salley and T. Behm. JOHN KNOX:Fifty Key Words: Sociology edited by D. Martin (p), The Constructive Revolutionary: Calvin and His Socio-Economic Impact by W. F. Graham, and *Subduing the Cosmos: Cybernetics and Man’s Future by K. Vaux. LIPPINCOTT: *Reparations: The Black Manifesto and Its Challenge to White America by A. Schuchter, *A Black Theology of Liberation by J. H. Cone, *Black Preaching by H. H. Mitchell, Congress and Conscience edited by J. B. Anderson, *How Black Is the Gospel? by T. Skinner, and The Unequal Yoke by R. V. Pierard. PILGRIM:The Movement Toward a New America by M. Goodman (p), Atrocities in Vietnam by E. S. Herman (p), The Fragmented Layman by T. Campbell and Y. Fukuyama, Making Sexuality Human by W. N. Pittenger, and *When All Else Fails: Christian Arguments on Violent Revolution edited by the International Documentation Center on the Contemporary Church. PRENTICE-HALL: *God’s New Israel: Religious Interpretations of American Destiny by C. Cherry. SCRIBNERS: *This Little Planet edited by M. Hamilton. SCRIPTURE PRESS:Facing Today’s Questions—A Symposium (p). SHEED AND WARD:The War Within: Violence or Non-Violence in the Black Revolution by J. R. Ross and The Unknown God by I. Racz. SIMON AND SCHUSTER:Ramakrisha and His Disciples by C. Isherwood (p) and A Treasury of Traditional Wisdom edited by W. Perry. TYNDALE:Pollution and the Death of Man by F. Schaeffer and Hidden Art by E. Schaeffer. WESTMINSTER:The Turn Right by J. C. Cooper (p), Crucial Problems in Christian Perspective by H. H. Barnette (p), Christian Freedom in a Permissive Society by J. A. T. Robinson (p), Of Love and Of Suffering by R. E. Fitch (p), Messengers from the Dead by I. Halperin, and Organ Transplants by C. Lyons (p). ZONDERVAN: *Between Two Worlds—A Congressman’s Choice by J. B. Anderson, Words of Revolution by T. Skinner, Shock It to Me Doctor! by A. D. Dennison, The Christian Way of Death by G. Hunt, Our Children Are Our Best Friends by M. W. Lee, and On Being a Wife and Loving It by P. Bard and M. Johnson.
ABINGDON:Ventures in Worship 2 edited by D. J. Randolph. EERDMANS:More Contemporary Prayers by C. Micklem. HERALD:Christian Worship by M. Lind.
ABINGDON:Way to Go, Baby! by G. Langevin. BAKER:The Missionary Manifesto: Expository Messages on the Great Commission by G. C. Morgan (p) and Apostles of Denial by E. Gruss. BANNER OF TRUTH TRUST:Today’s Gospel—Authentic or Synthetic by W. Chantry (p). CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE:Jesus Family in Communist China by D. V. Rees (p). CONCORDIA:The Power of Pure Stewardship by C. W. Berner. EERDMANS:Evangelism in the Early Church by M. Green, A Brief History of Islam by H. Boer (p), Planting of the Church in South Africa by J. Sales (p), Profit for the Lord by W. Danker (p), Chosen and Sent by T. Eastman (p), Church Growth in Japan by N. Braun (p), and Church Growth in Argentina by A. W. Enns (p). FORTRESS:Call to Mission by S. Neill, *Physician to the Mayas by E. Barton, and Blood, Sweat, and Love by C. T. Uehling (p). HARPER & Row: One Way to Change the World by L. Ford and Have Faith Without Fear by K. Wilson. INTER-VARSITY:The Mark of the Christian and *The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century by F. Schaeffer, One People: Laymen and Clergy in God’s Church by J. R. W. Stott, and Student Power in World Evangelism by D. M. Howard. JOHN KNOX:World Mission and World Communism edited by G. Hoffmann and W. Wille (p). SEABURY:My God is Real by D. Watson (p). TIDINGS:Encountering Christ by R. Main (p). TYNDALE:Transformed by H. Kooiman and How to Start a Neighborhood Bible Study by Kunz and Schell. WESTMINSTER:Beyond Revolution by T. C. Oden (p). ZONDERVAN: *A New Face for the Church by L. O. Richards.
ABINGDON:Death Is All Right by G. H. Asquith, The Reconstruction of the Church by E. S. Jones, To Pray and to Grow by F. S. Wuellner, Professional Growth for Clergymen edited by R. C. Leslie and E. H. Mudd, and The Minister as Marriage Counselor by C. W. Stewart. BAKER:Homiletical Studies in the Gospels by H. F. J. Ellingsen, The New Testament Image of the Ministry by W. T. Purkiser (p), The Public Worship of God by J. R. P. Sclater (p), Kind Words for Sad Hearts by A. Bolding (p), Blessed Are Ye by F. B. Meyer (p), A Treasury of Inspiration: Illustrations, Quotations, Poems, and Selections and Speaker’s Source Book of Stories, Illustrations, Epigrams and Quotations by H. V. Prochnow (p). BEACON HILL:Happiness and Harmony in Marriage by W. S. Deal (p), Which Way? by J. G. Swank (p), The Teen She by E. Sutton (p), and The Teen He by P. Miller (p). DOUBLEDAY:Your Religion: Healthy or Neurotic by G. C. Anderson. EERDMANS:Conquering the Fear of Death by S. Zodhiates. FORTRESS:Getting Along with Difficult People by F. Schmitt (p), New Dimensions in Pastoral Care by W. E. Oates (p), and Interpretation and Imagination: The Preacher and Contemporary Literature by C. Rice (p). HERDER AND HERDER:Structures of the Church edited by T. J. Urresti and Sex: A Book for Teenagers by C. Murphy and L. Day. JOHN KNOX:Sex and the Now Generation by S. N. Jones (p). KREGEL:The New Directory for Baptist Churches by E. T. Hiscox. PILGRIM:Let’s Plan by J. C. DeBoer (p) and The Church as Moral Decision-Maker by J. M. Gustafson. SHEED AND WARD:Pastoral Psychology: New Trends in Theory and Practice by C. A. Weber. SIMON AND SCHUSTER:Children and Parents by F. J. Sheen. TIDINGS: Wide Horizons by H. Kohn (p). TYNDALE:How to Raise Your Parents by G. McLean, Parents, What’s Your Problem? by M. Carter, and Dare to Discipline by J. Dobson. WESTMINSTER:The Responsible Suburban Church by G. B. Noyce, Suffering Man, Loving God by J. Martin (p), New or Old? by E. C. Colwell (p), and When Religion Gets Sick by W. E. Oates (p). ZONDERVAN:Counseling Christian Parents by W. S. Deal (p) and A Dictionary of Illustrations by J. C. Hefley.
BAKER:Children and Discipline in the Sunday School by W. Goodman (p), Modern Object Lessons by J. H. Sargent (p), Effective Object Lessons by J. A. Schofield, Jr. (p), Get in the Game by E. B. Allen (p), Inspiring Devotional Programs for Women’s Groups by L. T. Ammerman (p), Please Plan a Program by A. Bolding (p), Treasury of Story Talks for All Occasions by M. G. Gosselink (p), Peloubet’s Select Notes for 1971 edited by W. M. Smith, Children’s Church Handbook by J. P. Sullivan (p), Successful Church Libraries by E. L. Towns and C. Barber (p), How to Organize a Board of Christian Education by E. L. Towns (p), and Quickie Quizzes from the Bible by C. Vander Meer (p). BEACON HILL:Equipment That Helps You Teach and Using Bulletin Boards Effectively by J. Wienecke (p). CONCORDIA:Say and Do Love by J. T. Nickel and W. Schmidt. DOUBLEDAY:Christ Is God’s Middle Name: Talks with Children About God by E. S. and E. H. Fox and For Instance … Current Insights, Anecdotes, Quotations, Questions for Teachers, Ministers, Speakers and Discussion Leaders by D. T. Kauffman. EERDMANS:For Sinners Only by J. Eppinga (p). FORTRESS:Christian Education in a Secular Society edited by G. K. Wiencke (p) and Journeys with Jesus and Paul by G. Wilk. INTER-VARSITY:Learning to Be a Man and Learning to Be a Woman by K. G. Smith. JOHN KNOX:Adventures in Christian Living and Learning, Part II edited by D. Monroe (p) and Church Kindergarten Resource Book by J. Newbury (p). LIGHT AND LIFE:Arnold’s Commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons, January 1971–August 1971.PILGRIM:Values for Tomorrow’s Children by J. H. Westerhoff and The Language Gap and God by R. C. Miller. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY:The Study of Religion in Colleges and Universities edited by P. Ramsey and J. F. Wilson. SHEED AND WARD:Can Catholic Schools Survive? by A. M. Greeley and W. E. Brown. TYNDALE: *Taylor’s Bible Story Book by K. Taylor. ZONDERVAN:Can You Tell Me? by D. Korfker (p).
BAKER:Practical Sermon Outlines by J. B. Brown (p), Evangelistic Sermon Outlines by C. M. Pentz (p), Select Sermon Outlines and Bible Readings by F. E. Marsh (p), Shalom! The Biblical Concept of “Peace” by D. J. Harris (p), Voice of the Turtle by C. R. Hembree, The Roads of God by J. W. May (p), Calvary’s Cross by D. L. Moody and others (p), Great Sermons on the Resurrection by A. MacLaren and others (p), Jesus and His Contemporaries: Biographical Preaching from the Gospel of John by E. F. Harrison (p), Paul’s Joy in Christ by A. T. Robertson (p), Prepare to Meet God by L. R. Scarborough (p), Expository Outlines from I and II Corinthians by K. Rendell, Expository Messages on the New Birth by H. A. Hoyt, A Treasury of Great Sermons on the Death of Christ by W. M. Smith (p), and Treasury of Dwight L. Moody (p). BEACON HILL:Eight Days of Glory by L. H. Woodson (p). BIBLICAL RESEARCH:Getting Involved with Christ by C. B. Hodge. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS:The Tozer Pulpit, Volume 3: Ten Sermons from the Gospel of John edited by G. B. Smith. CONCORDIA:A Sick World and the Healing Christ by H. T. Lindemann and 1971 Concordia Pulpit.EERDMANS:Religion Without Wrappings by D. H. C. Read. KREGEL:Illustrated Bible Studies by F. E. Marsh and The First Things of Jesus by J. Reid. ZONDERVAN:Simple Sermons for Midweek Services by W. H. Ford.
ABINGDON:There’s No Other Way by E. A. Fitzgerald and What’s Good About God? by H. Rupert. ARLINGTON HOUSE:Christianity and the Class Struggle by H. O. J. Brown and The Gods of Atheism by V. P. Miceli. BAKER:Spiritual Growth by A. W. Pink. BANNER OF TRUTH TRUST:Historical Theology by W. Cunningham. BEACON HILL: *Healing the Hurt of Man by J. G. Gould. EERDMANS:Sin by G. C. Berkouwer, Tradition Old and New by F. F. Bruce, Secular Christianity and God Who Acts by R. J. Blaikie (p), and Introducing Jacques Ellul by J. Holloway. FORTRESS:Basic Questions in Theology, Volume 1, by W. Pannenberg, Death and Life by H. Thielicke, and The Drama and the Symbols by G. Aulen. HARPER &Row: Ascent of the Mountain, Flight of the Dove by M. Novak and *Hope and Planning by J. Moltmann. HERALD:The People of God by R. Bender. HERDER AND HERDER:Reality, Language and Belief by L. Dewart, Pentecost Spirituality by R. T. Laube, Sacramentum Verbi by J. B. Bauer, and Sacramentum Mundi, Volume 6, by K. Rahner. HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON:The Theology of Karl Barth by H. U. von Balthasar, The Star of Redemption by F. Rosenzweig, and Jesus and Israel by J. Isaac. INTER-VARSITY:The Living God by R. T. France. JOHN KNOX:Erasmus: His Theology of the Sacraments by J. B. Payne and Christ the Crisis by F. Gogarten. KREGEL:The Triple Knowledge by H. Hoeksema. LOIZEAUX:Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom by S. Fisk and The Trinity: Is the Doctrine Biblical? Is It Necessary? by R. A. and F. D. Harris. PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY:Tillichian Theology and Educational Philosophy by S. E. Lo. PILGRIM:The Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr by L. Hoedemaker (p) and Lincoln’s Religion by W. J. Wolf (p). SCRIBNERS:Theology of the New Testament by R. Bultmann. SEABURY:Prayer and Modern Man by J. Ellul and Strange Victory by G. Ireson. SHEED AND WARD:Dogma III: God and His Christ by M. Schmaus. TIDINGS:Horizons of Hope by H. Hoekendijk. TYNDALE:Israel Today by R. Wolff. WESTMINSTER:The Theology of Altizer by J. B. Cobb, Jr., and The Opaqueness of God by D. O. Woodyard (p). ZONDERVAN:The Holy Spirit and His Gifts by J. O. Sanders (p), Things Which Become Sound Doctrine by J. D. Pentecost (p), The Lamp of Prophecy by H. A. Ironside (p), and Jesus—Human and Divine by H. D. McDonald (p).