In this issue we are pleased to bring our readers a portion of the address Billy Graham delivered at the opening of the European Congress on Evangelism several months ago. Mr. Graham has had many contacts with the Jesus movement and gives some opinions concerning that part of it which stands within historic theological orthodoxy. Our readers will also be interested in the evaluation in our News section of one strand of the youth religious movement that we cannot commend.
We were very glad to hear that the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot John F. Kennedy, came forward to commit her life to Christ for salvation at the recent Graham crusade in Dallas.
Readers should find this issue more inviting, thanks to a change in type face. The style you are now looking at is bona fide Times Roman, which for reasons of appearance and legibility has been the recognized leader for many years. It is being supplied us by Cooke Typographers of Arlington, Virginia, on Intertype machines. Because of changes in the industry and economic pressures, many periodicals have been obliged to adopt so-called cold type, cheaper but with greater variations in quality. After an experiment with it, CHRISTIANITY TODAY is reverting to the more consistent hot-type system.