As we enter the New Year I want to say thank you to all our readers for their faithfulness, their prayers, and their support. God bless you!
One standout on the ’72 horizon is Mr. Nixon’s planned series of diplomatic forays around the world. In conception they are breathtaking, but cold realism suggests that the immediate results will not shake the world.
On the close-in domestic scene, my wife and I recently made another foray into that lovely land where grandchildren grow. The prize was Jeremy Scott Buffam, whose mother is our second daughter, Joanne. We’re delighted to begin the new year with a doubled supply of grandchildren (our other daughter has a year-old girl)!
Another very gratifying arrival of late was that of Harold O. J. Brown, now on our editorial staff. We warmly welcome him and his wife and daughter to our midst. Brown has the Ph.D. from Harvard (plus the S.T.B. and Th.M. from Harvard Divinity School) and—speaking of doubling—this doubles our Ivy League representation: Don Tinder has his doctorate from Yale. Harold Brown is the author of several books and for four years was minister to students at Park Street Church in Boston. He has come to us after five years of service in Europe with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students.