Classified ads seldom make fascinating reading, but then classified ads are seldom written by John Lawing, our CHRISTIANITY TODAY cartoon artist. Now that you are in on the secret, you may want to read right through the entire section of classified ads just to be sure you don’t miss his contributions. In this issue he has two. Turn to page 56.
We think they make the section more interesting, and so we have asked John to prepare a whole series of ads. He has established a chain of fictional businesses ranging from the Lawing Ski Lodge in Tallahassee, Florida, to the Lawing Surfboard Works in International Falls, Montana. We have not yet faced the question of what to do if Lawing, Inc., should ever want to run a legitimate classified ad. But starting this issue you just don’t dare miss them.
And you may, incidentally, find some other buys you can’t afford to miss—plus some good humor.