Church leaders have hotly debated parachurch organizations; evangelicals in liberal denominations generally have supported them. Many are convinced parachurch organizations have taken over by default tasks originally committed to the churches. It is a case of getting something done by parachurch organizations or not getting it done at all. But some evangelicals are having second thoughts, and Ron Wilson assesses some of the successes and problems of such groups.
Gary Collins provides another helpful article on the caring church, and gives practical suggestions about making care effective. David Moberg, respected author and sociologist, analyzes ethical and social practices of American people as reflected in the CHRISTIANITY TODAY-Gallup Poll. He draws intriguing and remarkable contrasts between evangelicals and the general populace.
With the November election fast approaching, Christian citizens will profit from reading “Can My Vote Be Biblical?” prepared by Evangelicals for Social Action. Now is the time to make sure your ballot will be the exercise of a responsible citizen in obedience to the lordship of Christ.
Nancy Barcus attended the third White House Conference on Families in Los Angeles. If you have followed news reports, you may be heartened by her balanced presentation on page 40. It emphasizes the solid recommendations of the group as a whole rather than the bizarre positions advanced by minorities. Note especially the definition of the family as set forth in the official national task force report for WHCF.