- Don’t wait until somebody does something right before you praise him. Otherwise you’ll wait forever.
- As a leader, you provide for people only what they can’t provide for themselves.
- It is tough enough to start a church, but it is murder to turn one around. Do you know how long it will take to make a major change in the way your church operates? Anywhere from two to five years of concentrated effort, depending on the size and complexity of the organization.
- The rule of reprimand is that you have only thirty seconds to share your feelings. And when it’s over, it’s over.
- Awkwardness is natural. If people aren’t feeling awkward doing something new, they’re not doing something new.
- Do not punish a learner. If you do, you’ll immobilize him.
- In change, people feel alone, even if everyone is going through it.
- The biggest addiction we have to overcome is to the human ego. Why? Because ego stands for “Edging God Out.”
- Everyday, do something in relation to everything that is important to you.
- Change agents aren’t loved, so you’d better get centered that you are loved [by God], that you’re fabulous.
1996 Christianity Today/LEADERSHIP Journal