Brandon O’Brien, assistant editor of Leadership, has a provocative article over at about the shortcomings of the new Christian men’s movement. From worship songs that inspire men to “Grab a sword, don’t be scared. Be a man, grow a pair!” to chest-thumping sermons, the de-feminizing of the church may be doing more harm than good. Here is an excerpt from O’Brien’s article:
Mark Driscoll, pastor of Seattle’s Mars Hill Church, desires greater testosterone in contemporary Christianity. In Driscoll’s opinion, the church has produced “a bunch of nice, soft, tender, chickified church boys. ? Sixty percent of Christians are chicks,” he explains, “and the forty percent that are dudes are still sort of chicks.”
The aspect of church that men find least appealing is its conception of Jesus. Driscoll put this bluntly in his sermon “Death by Love” at the 2006 Resurgence theology conference (available at According to Driscoll, “real men” avoid the church because it projects a “Richard Simmons, hippie, queer Christ” that “is no one to live for [and] is no one to die for.” Driscoll explains, “Jesus was not a long-haired ? effeminate-looking dude”; rather, he had “callused hands and big biceps.” This is the sort of Christ men are drawn to – what Driscoll calls “Ultimate Fighting Jesus.”
Here’s a video with more about GodMen, a ministry highlighted by O’Brien in his article. It was started by comedian Brad Stine to provide space where “men can be men; raw and uninhibited; completely free to express themselves in the uniquely male way that only men understand.”
Are you inspired or insulted? Read O’Brien’s entire article, “A Jesus for Real Men,” at Christianity Today’s website.