Eva Rodriguez, the National Hispanic Evangelical Women’s president, gave the closing prayer at the convention last night. Unfortunately, I left because of a massive headache. And unfortunately, C-SPAN cuts off the ending, so I don’t know if she prayed “in Jesus’ name.” Terry Mattingly wrote on how that has come up at conventions in the past. Still, Rodriguez’s prayer begins fairly politically.
Here’s the text of Rodriguez’s speech:
“Let us pray. Righteous God, Heavenly Father, we give you praise, and declare that your mercy endureth forever. In the midst of moral decay, a global war on terror, a frontal assault on the institution of marriage, the taking of innocent life in the womb, social injustice and strife, we declare that America needs the fresh move of God’s holy spirit.
Let the spirit of truth move from New York to Los Angeles, from Dallas to St. Paul, let the spirit of freedom sound the alarm of righteousness and justice. From Wall Street to Main Street, from our classrooms to the courtrooms, almighty God, we pray that all Americans come together: black, white, Hispanic, Asian, let us unite under the canopy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We stand against the voices that attempt to draw us apart, and commit ourselves to focusing on what holds us together, our love for God, family, and country.
Lord, we continue to intercede for regions impacted by the hurricane. Also, we pray for Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin. Cover them, protect them, and anoint them, as they lead the charge and defend faith, family and freedom, that at the end of the day, Lord, we may declare, ?Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,’ for the kingdom of God is not of meat or drink, red state or blue state, man or woman, native or immigrant, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
In the name that is above (C-SPAN cuts off)”