“It’s not an issue of whether or not we should engage moral evil and politics, but is it our primary job? It’s not the main job of the church to be running the government or to influence legislation. The main job is to live out the kingdom. I feel like some Christians put the political cart before the kingdom horse. Christians in America differ very, very little from the broader American culture. We’re almost indistinguishable. I’m focused on getting my congregation to live out radical kingdom principles 24/7. If we get that done, I think we’ll have a lot of clarity about how to engage the culture, including politics.”
–Gregory Boydis pastor of Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. Taken from “Body Politic” in the Summer 2008 issue of Leadership journal. To see the quote IN context, you’ll need to see the print version of Leadership. To subscribe, click on the cover of Leadership on this page.