The McCain-Palin campaign added an “Americans of Faith” page to its website, about 16 months behind Obama-Biden’s People of Faith blog.
Beliefnet’s Dan Gilgoff notes that the page is added months after rolling out pages for “American Indians for McCain and “Arab Americans for McCain.”
This is the introduction:
“Once I was thrown into another cell after a long and difficult interrogation. I discovered scratched into one of the cell’s walls the creed ‘I believe in God, the Father Almighty.’ There standing witness to God’s presence in a remote, concealed place, recalled to my faith by a stronger, better man, I felt God’s love and care more vividly than I would have felt it had I been safe among a pious congregation in the most magnificent cathedral.” – John McCain
The page offers short explanations of McCain’s stances in four areas: “Judicial Philosophy,” “Protecting Marriage,” “Human Dignity and Life,” “Service, Community and Values.”
Obama’s People of Faith home page does not link Obama’s faith to specific policies, but it has a lengthy blog, several links to Obama’s speeches on his faith, and a list of endorsements from religious leaders.