Want to know what your fellow CT Politics Blog readers enjoyed as well? Here are the top 10 most read blog posts from 2008.
Keep in mind that Christianity Today started the politics blog in July, so this is in no way an indication of what stories were the most important. Obviously, readership shot up around the election, but it’s an interesting review of what piqued your interest.
1. The Death of Joe Biden’s Wife – An Honest Crisis of Faith
2. The Evangelical Electoral Map (Updated)
3. Vendors asked to leave Values Voter Summit
4. Readers say Washington Post cartoon lampooned their faith
5. Obama’s Fascinating Interview with Cathleen Falsani
6. Reaction to Bristol Palin’s pregnancy
7. How Obama Helped Calif.’s Prop. 8 (Updated)
8. Can Obama Call Himself a Christian?
9. An Obama administration, in the eyes of Focus on the Family Action
10. The Awesome Blue God – How Obama Forged A New Faith Coalition