Richard Cizik’s resignation from the National Association of Evangelicals prompted a letter from more than 50 evangelicals who support Cizik’s attempts to broaden the evangelical agenda. More people are signing the letter here.
I wrote a story on CT’s site today about those who are celebrating and lamenting his resignation and what it means for environmental advocacy.
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found a statistically significant comparison from 2006 to 2008 that shows a 12 percent drop in evangelicals who said they believe that there is solid evidence that the earth is getting warmer. Many evangelicals debate over whether global warming is man-made, but the drop in this survey appears to come from those who believe that global warming is caused by natural causes.
Will Richard Cizik’s resignation as NAE vice president affect evangelical creation care? You can vote today here or comment below.