Sure, Slumdog took a zillion prizes but last minute upsets do happen. Slumdog peaked early but has picked up a sizable backlash in recent weeks, thanks in part to the controversy surrounding production’s treatment of the adorable urchins playing young Jamal and Salim.
Slumdog‘s main liability is that it’s just not a good movie (though that didn’t stop Crash). Milk, on the other hand, is a phenomenal film on every level. Excellent storytelling, masterful acting, and an important message about living the truth. I’m well aware that many Christians will refuse to see this film because it’s about a gay activist, but the genius of Milk is that director Gus van Sant finds the universal story here. Harvey Milk was a politician but Milk has a lot more going on that just a political agenda. If only all Christians would live as openly and fight as hard for their beliefs as Harvey Milk.
Anyway, I predict that Milk will take Best Picture and Best Director, and Sean Penn Best Actor.