Here are the stories we’re reading today.
– A federal judge a South Dakota upheld the part of the law that requires women to be told abortion ends a human life. She reversed the part of the law that said doctors must say that the procedure increases the likelihood of suicide, and that the woman has a relationship with the fetus. Doctors must disclose “that the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being,” the Associated Press reports.
– There’s a debate in Texas schools over who should go down in history. The Houston Chroniclereports that the first draft says students should be expected “to identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals, such as Newt Gingrich, Phyllis Schlafly and the Moral Majority.”
– Mike Gerson weighs in on health care.
In fact, any national approach to this issue is likely to challenge the current social consensus on abortion. The House bill would result in federal funding for abortion on an unprecedented scale. But forbidding federal funds to private insurers that currently cover elective abortions (as some insurers do) would amount, as pro-choice advocates note, to a restriction on the availability of abortion. Either way, government will send a powerful, controversial social signal.
– Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has been in the news this week for his trip to Israel, telling CBN that evangelicals more supportive of Israel than Jews are.
“[Y]ou’ll find people all over the board about whether they think is ought to have … absolute control over its border and whether they should give up land for peace and just thow many countries can oversee Jerusalem at one time,” Huckabee said. “I don’t find that kind of dichotomy generally within the Evangelical community. It’s pretty adamant: There ought to be one city. It ought to be a Jewish state. And it ought to be secure.”
What did Huckabee say earlier this week about a two-state solution in the Middle East? Take this week’s news quiz to find out.
– President Obama basically says,”Happy Ramadan.”