1. Organize a picnic in the park and invite everyone on your block.
2. Rally several friends together and go door-to-door, offering to wash people’s cars.
3. Plan an outdoor movie night. Get a projector and show a family-friendly movie on your garage door. Invite the whole neighborhood.
4. Start a community garden.
5. Plan a game night with one or two families you’d like to know better.
6. Host a backyard barbeque or karaoke night. (Or both!)
7. With several friends, plan a fun-day in a local park for children and families in your community. Choose a theme, talk with the local park board, and plan activities like water balloon volleyball and three-legged races.
8. Start a summer book club in your neighborhood.
9. Plan an outdoor concert in the park and give away free lemonade or cotton candy.
10. Organize a troupe of church volunteers to blitz the neighborhood with offers of free lawn-mowing.