Bully Coming online tomorrow is the acclaimed documentary Bully, which follows the experiences of five different families whose children are struggling against bullies at school. This eye-opening documentary shed light on some of the brokenness in our school system – and in ourselves. Read our review here.
Johnny Bravo: Season One Also streaming tomorrow is the first season of Johnny Bravo, the iconic children’s cartoon about a hunky, clumsy Elvis-like man and his fruitless quest to meet the perfect woman.
Dexter’s Laboratory: Season One It's a great weekend for children’s shows: Dexter’s Lab is another animated classic about a misunderstood nerd who moonlights as a mad scientist.
Dr. No While technically not in the official “weekend” slot, this is such a great film that we had to announce it anyways—Dr. No, starring Sean Connery in the first James Bond film, comes on Netflix on Monday. We hope this isn’t an April Fools' joke . . .
El Dorado If you’ve never seen this classic Western, change that this weekend before it disappears from Netflix this Monday. John Wayne plays a hired gun who has to help get his friend Robert Mitchum back on his feet and away from the bottle, before the outlaws can shake up the whole town.