In this issue, we’ll take you from the depths of the sea, to a world 3 billion miles away, to a vast expanse attempting to tell you about everything in between. It’s a vast issue. One that should elicit praise for the wonder of God’s creation.
As I mentioned in a Wonder on the Web column earlier, two webcams I regularly open to set the mood for editing The Behemoth are the International Space Station’s Earth Viewing Experiment and a deep sea exploration vessel’s Nautilus Live. More recently, I’ve found that I can combine the two: NASA’s undersea research station Aquarius, where astronauts test and train, has live webcams as well!
As the praise song goes, “From the ends of the earth, from the depths of the sea, from the heights of the heavens your name be praised.” There’s something innately doxological and awesome about the vastness of space and the sea; I can’t help but praise.
—Ted Olsen, co-editor