In life, there are people, places, experiences, and moments that breathe life into you. They remind you of what is good in life, and they inspire you to keep on keeping on. But there are moments in this life—and I would imagine these moments come fewer and farther between—that awaken something in us. These moments call us to reach higher and to dig deeper. They invoke us to take a risk, to defy logic, to step into a dream that seems far-fetched. And they make us step outside of the box we’ve been living in.
These are the moments that make us come alive. Maybe you sense it in the midst of your life-giving days. Perhaps you’ve got a small corner of your soul reminding you from time to time that God’s gifts are life-giving and they are moments of coming alive. It’s tempting to shove those feelings of something more to the back burner, especially for those of us who have a life that seems beautiful and rich and full of life. But may I just whisper here to you and gently say, “Pay attention”?
Our hearts crave connections that God longs to fulfill. These connections we crave are unique to each one of us. If you find yourself wondering if there might be something more, don’t push those feelings aside or feel guilty for sensing something more than the beautiful life you already have. Keep offering those feelings to God. Wait to see what he’s got in store for you.
Diedra Riggs is an author and a member of the (in)courage community. Excerpted from Craving Connection: 30 Challenges for Real-Life Engagement from the (in)courage community. Copyright 2017 B&H Publishing Group.