I unearth You
across languages,
excavate You
from borderlands,
a divine map of Imago Dei. You fill with Agua Bendita
a catechism of
ravine-carved questions,
exegesis pours out from where
I kneel before your throne—te alabaré. Overflow washes this
sin-laden throat &
gives nueva vida,
from Your eternal word.
An anchored praxis. I drink of You,
fuente de mi alma.
I press in
to transculturation where
I first found You in varying robes. I worship You in distinct tongues
of faith, familia, and community.
En lo cotidiano, my activism is
Holy Spirit work, surrendered.
To God be the rooted glory. DREAMers are generations
of hopeful theology held
rapt in canyonous palms.
God is the only One
who walks el peregrinaje with a wearied traveler. I am filled with adoration.
Esperanza spills over
from a porous bucket
near the well of seminary
I proclaim Jesús,
bendito sea tu nombre.
Blessed be Your name. I discover You
in the East—a daybreak kiss,
majestic embrace
right before the fall,
amidst the sacrosanct. From prayer to meal,
a feast of plenty.
In the priceless purchase
for me in Getsemaní
before crucifix & salvation. From farm work
to soulwork,
I find You on hands,
lifted up high, our voices cantando
coritos in Alleluia praise. From matriculation
to liberation—a great exodus.
You rip me from chains,
honor the holiness in me—
mirror of shared wounds. You call to me,
Mi hija, draw near.
You champion my cause
spell out in verse
how alive You are in me. I unearth You
across tongues where You
fill the unequipped
with new voice
and continued purpose. You disentomb me from
history—una resurrección
de la historia liberada.
You call me and I am risen
alongside You. Adelante.