Articles in this Issue
George Whitefield: Did You Know?
Little-known or remarkable facts about George Whitefield
Heavenly Comet
As George Whitefield blazed across England, Scotland, and America, his dramatic preaching caused excitement bordering on panic.
I Run For My Horse With All My Might
A farmer races to the sensation.
Deep Mourning
Cornelius Winter was at Whitefield’s orphan house when he learned of the evangelist’s death. His report:
Come, Poor, Lost, Undone Sinner
A persuasive appeal from a powerful evangelist.
George Whitefield: A Gallery of Leaders of the Awakening Army
Whitefield’s co-workers in the great eighteenth-century revival.
Persecuted Preachers
Two evangelists face a mob
Pushing to the Point of Exhaustion
A look at one year of Whitefield’s whirlwind ministry.
The Quotable Whitefield
A sampler of sayings
The Religious Odd Couple
Benjamin Franklin and George Whitefield: Theologically, they were miles apart, yet they became affectionate friends.
House of Mercy, Prison of Debt
Soon after he began an orphanage, Whitefield found himself chained by expenses he couldn’t pay.
The Startling Puritan
The message of the greatest communicator of his age.
Slaveholding Evangelist
Whitefield’s troubling mix of views.
Father of Modern Evangelicals
We still feel Whitefield’s influence today.