
Democrat Says He Was Fired From Catholic Charities Over Abortion


Plus: Another blow to the partial-birth abortion ban, church attacks in India and Cyprus, and other stories from online sources around the world.

Christianity Today August 1, 2004

Colorado candidate: Catholic Charities fired me over abortion support

Colorado candidate: Catholic Charities fired me over abortion support Last week, the Fort Collins Coloradoan reported that John Kefalas was no longer the community development and social ministries coordinator (translation: lobbyist) for Catholic Charities North, which is run by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Denver. “Circumstances surrounding his exit remain murky,” the paper reported. “Kefalas would not say whether he had quit or been fired.”

The circumstances still remain murky, but not because nobody’s talking. Today’s Denver Post reports that Kefalas, a Democraticcandidate for the Colorado state House, says he was wrongfully terminated and forced to resign. Catholic Charities, however, says he quit on his own.

Murky indeed: Kefalas isn’t a Roman Catholic—he’s a Mennonite who, as part of a campaign questionnaire, said he supports Roe v. Wade. (Official teaching of the Mennonite Church, by the way, says abortion “runs counter to biblical principles which give a high value to human life” but adds, “the demands of discipleship are to be accepted voluntarily, not imposed legally upon everyone regardless of conviction.”)

Catholic Charities president Jim Mauck was none too pleased that his organization’s lobbyist doesn’t share the church’s beliefs on one of its top social issues. In a Monday letter, apparently written after Kefalas and his job were parted, Mauk told him that it’s “an irreconcilable conflict of interest for one in the position you held at Catholic Charities to take the public position as you did.”

There’s no “litmus test” for employees, Mauck told Post reporter Eric Gorski. “We do ask employees, ‘Here’s our value base, can you agree to those values?'”

But that question has become more specific in recent years Mauck notes. He’s been in the position for six years, but the recent clergy scandals led the church to require all employees to “conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the discipline and teachings of the Catholic Church.” When the archdiocese implemented the rule, Kefalas protested. “Talking as a private citizen with some intelligence, I should be allowed to say what I want,” he said. “I’m not trying to do any kind of irreparable harm to Catholic Charities. But I feel they are creating hardships for me and my family.”

Irreparable harm? Wrongfully terminated? Kefalas is speaking legalese, but there’s no mention of any plans to file a lawsuit.

If he does file, this will certainly be a case to watch. But if he’s just whining and the story remains a matter of “he said, he said,” it could die a quick death. Much may depend upon a possible recount of his primary election. Kefalas is only up by seven votes out of 4,630 (initial reports were even closer, putting Kefalas up by only two votes).

Another ban for the partial-birth abortion ban

Another ban for the partial-birth abortion banSmall victories: In declaring the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act unconstitutional, U.S. District Judge Richard C. Casey called the procedure “a gruesome, brutal, barbaric, and uncivilized medical procedure,” and said there’s “credible evidence that [such] abortions subject fetuses to severe pain.”

Casey said he was bound by a 2000 U.S. Supreme Court decision requiring such a ban to contain an exception for the health of the mother. When Congress passed the law, it took note of that Supreme Court decision, adding a section explaining that the procedure is never necessary to protect a mother’s health. But some doctors disagree, Casey noted—though he called much of the testimony on why it’s necessary “theoretical or false.”

“This gruesome procedure may be outlawed only if there exists a medical consensus that there is no circumstance in which any women could potentially benefit from it,” he explained.

The abortion realities in this country, however, are no different today than they were before Casey’s ruling. There was already an injunction on the ban while this case and two others make their way through the courts. A U.S. District Judge in San Francisco ruled in June that the ban is unconstitutional. A judge in Nebraska has not yet ruled. In essence, we’re all just waiting for the issue to return to the U.S. Supreme Court. Attorney General John Ashcroft has promised to appeal.

“While the decision is disappointing, it’s important to realize that this ruling represents only the beginning of a lengthy legal process that will end at the Supreme Court,” said Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice. Other prolife organizations’ responses can be read here.

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Missions & Ministry:

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  • Books:
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Other stories of interest:

  • Iraq urges Christians to return from exile | Thousands of Christians were chased out of Iraq by radical Muslims but some of them are returning to Kurdish-controlled areas in the north, Iraq’s designated ambassador to the Vatican said yesterday (UPI)
  • Cheerleader applauds firing of UGA coach | Marilou Braswell appeals termination (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
  • Woman stabs boyfriend in fight over religion | They were both drunk (KWTV, Oklahoma City, video)
  • Raising a puppy: It takes a monastery | The monks of New Skete, a monastery near Glens Falls, N.Y., are known for their German shepherds. Their book has become a popular training guide for dog owners (The New York Times)
  • Remember what Sundays used to be like? | Sundays used to be quiet; a day for contemplation. Then shops began opening and the day of rest changed forever (BBC)
  • Jesus fish doubles as a business model | Whenever I hear or see businesses promote themselves as “Christian-based,” I have to ask: What the Holy Hill does that mean? (Mike Moore, The Journal Times, Racine, Wis.)

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