Articles in this Issue
Removing Demonic Oppression
Steps to freeing those under the unwanted influence.
The Foe in the Foyer
A visitor to our church had an unwanted guest
The Facts and the Furious
News you can use
Air Attack
When the atmosphere of your group turns toxic, it might be the work of a malevolent spirit.
Best in Show
News you can use
Making Space for the Spirit
How one church recognized spiritual warfare and the means God provides for victory.
Praying that Makes a Difference
Whether from the pulpit, or Ground Zero, pastoral prayer changes things
Winged Enemies
We are engaged in a battle with unseen forces.
Your Church Is Too Safe and Other Reviews
Leadership Reviews
A Contested Universe
In the end, Satan loses. But until then, we’re in for a battle.
Cleaning House
Inner healing involves addressing psychological and spiritual issues.
Invisible Needs
When churches embrace the disabled, everyone benefits.
Get Behind Me, Satan!
Satan’s disdain for humanity runs deep.
My Unsought Calling
I didn’t seek this aspect of ministry, but to refuse it would have been unfaithful.
Pastor, Have You Lost Your Edge?
When your enthusiasm for the ministry fades, you need a plan.
The Bible’s Remedies Against Satan’s Devices
Invoking the Word of God is essential in battling the evil one.
Transitions and other Resources
Leadership Reviews
Diagnosing the Demonic
Can you recognize the presence of evil spirits?
Training for “One Pitch” Preachers
If you’re stuck in a rut, this is how to mix things up.
Spiritual War Vets
Spiritual warfare is part of our world and therefore part of our ministry.
Spiritual Warfare Resources
These books were recommended by those contributing to this issue of Leadership Journal.
Not So Bad News
A new book reveals good news about the state of our world.
Measuring What Matters
Despite the barriers, churches are finding effective metrics of soul transformation.
Fighting the Good Fight
What does the Bible mean by “spiritual warfare”?