Cover Story
Cover Story
The Spirit Hasn’t Left Mainline (Part 1 of 3)
A forum on why and how we should save denominations.
The Education of Ed Dobson, Part 1
How a lieutenant in the Moral Majority rediscovered the power of the local church.
Apology Follows Hanegraaff Attack
Apology Follows Hanegraaff Attack
Firefighter Pastor in Hot Water
Firefighting Pastor in Hot Water
Leaders Criticize Supreme Court
Leaders Criticize Supreme Court
Same-Sex Rites Cause Campus Stir
Same-Sex Rites Cause Campus Stir
Presbyterian Groups Sever CRC Ties
Presbyterian Groups Sever CRC Ties
Religious Freedom Faces Cutback
Religious Freedom Faces Cutback
Church of the Martyrs
Copts thrive in the face of bloody carnage, legal restraint, anddiscrimination.
The Quest for the Historical Paul
Would your congregation want this apostle to be its pastor?
From Aaron to Zwingli
And not forgetting epigonation.
Just As He Is
Two books highlight why Billy Graham is the ‘man of thecentury.’
At the Crossroads
The battle for a denomination’s soul.
RFRA Coalition Frays in Wake of Ruling
After “Boerne v Flores,” a fight over what’s next: Federal laws, state laws, or a consitutional amendment.
Building Houses, Building Bridges
The creative ministry of Casas por Cristo is bringing togetherAnglo, Latino pastors.
Quoting the Bible Isn’t Enough
“It’s heresy to tell believers not to cite their Bibles,” the station manager fumed.