This week, Heather is joined by her BFF Scarlett Longstreet for a #Blessed chat session on whether we should unfollow people who make us feel bad about ourselves online. Make sure to let us know your thoughts by typing in ViralJesusPod on Instagram or Twitter and using #blessed.
Today is session one of our new pod-class series on gaining confidence. We will be doing this pod-class for the next three week. If you want to pause this episode, you may want to start with last week’s titled: “On Gaining Self-Confidence,” where Heather sets the framework for the next three weeks.
In today’s conversation Heather sits down with Amanda Pittman to learn how to deal with criticism, how to offer compassion to others struggling with insecurity, and how to stand in our own confidence.
Guest Bio
Amanda Pittman is the author of Stand In Confidence: From Sinking in Insecurity to Rising in Your God-given Identity. She is a speaker, entrepreneur, and the founder of Confident Woman Co., a ministry that equips women to stand confidently upon the finished work of Jesus. Through Confident Woman Co., Amanda hosts retreats, conferences, online events, podcasts, videos and more.
Host Bio
Heather Thompson Day is an associate professor of communication at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. She is the author of eight books, including, I’ll See You Tomorrow and It’s Not Your Turn. Reach out to Heather on Twitter @HeatherTDay and on Instagram @heatherthompsonday.
Viral Jesus is a production of Christianity Today
Host and creator: Heather Thompson Day
Executive Producer: Ed Gilbreath
Producer: Loren Joseph
Associate Producer: Azurae Phelps
Mix Engineer: Alex Carter
Director of CT Podcasts: Mike Cosper