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It’s no surprise that American evangelical congregations are concerned about size; after all, we live in a society where bigger is better when it comes to organizational success. But as Christianity Today has reported in the past, church growth is more than the number of bodies sitting in the pews. Below we’ve gathered articles that report on how churches have been fulfilling the Great Commission, both in expanding their numbers and in creating communities that promote healthy spiritual growth.
A number of high-profile Christians have converted to Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. What is driving them away?
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Young, evangelical, and African American churchgoers ask the most.
Church attendance is down. Giving is iffy. Ministers are tired. But God is with us in lean times too.
Amid the continued declines, Southern Baptists are celebrating back-to-back years of growth in worship attendance and baptism.
Let us not give up meeting together—even when we disagree.
Church homelessness is lonely and exhausting. And the only antidote is Christian community.
Just as biodiversity produces new trees, cultural diversity produces new expressions of an ancient faith.
New Pew survey of 7,000 adults explores the beliefs and practices of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims and their affinity to Confucianism and Daoism.
It’s time for evangelicals to rediscover Bonhoeffer’s best-known work on the nature of Christian community.
Recent revival has brought Protestant churches more members. But what Mongolian Christian leaders want most is more disciples.