One of the most dangerous things a pastor can do is make a mistake regarding someone's marriage. Some infractions, however, are more serious than others." as part of the text of the article.


Owen Crowe, Gundagai, Australia (Roman Catholic)

Forgot to sign a 1959 wedding certificate. The bride sued for $25 million when she discovered it last year, saying, "I didn't realize I could have walked away at any time."

Dismissed: "The claim is clearly hopeless and an abuse of process."

Master Bryan Malpass


Jerry McBride, Jackson, Mississippi (Episcopal)

Allowed former Gov. Ray Mabus to tape a marital counseling session secretly. Julie Mabus sued for clergy malpractice, breach of duty, fraud, and negligence.

Dismissed: "There is no evidence that Julie Mabus was placing a special trust or confidence in Jerry McBride." Hinds County Circuit Court

Judge Bobby DeLaughter


Lowell Rideout, Minnetonka, Minnesota (Seventh-day Adventist)

Told a married couple they weren't compatible based on a personality test. When they divorced, he married the wife. The husband sued for negligence.

Reinstated: "Standards of conduct for those providing mental health services apply to all."

Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz

Related Elsewhere

Articles referenced above include:

Unhappy wife loses bid to sue Catholic Church for $25m—AAP (August 28, 2002)
Judge dismisses key claim in Julie Mabus' suit against priest—The Picayune Item (August 22, 2002)
Dismissal sought by attorney for priest sued by Julie Mabus—The Picayune Item (August 3, 2002)
Woman secretly taped while confiding in her priest sues him alleging malpractice—The New York Times (June 30, 2002)

The court decision in the Minnesota case is online on the state law library site.

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